8- Silver Works

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     As her eyes began opening, it was all a bit blurry. She could hear the faint voice of who she thought was Kevin. But could it be? She was just tricked with an impostor and then was thrown against the back of a chapel pew. That's how she hit her head and got knocked. Now she could feel restraints on her hands, and was against a pole. 

     "I think my favorite part was when she put the blade up against my chest, it was just amazing," the shifter said, still in Kevin's body. She could hear him struggling in his restraints, and knew the shifter had told him everything. Which meant he knew that she kissed it. 

     "Leave him alone, you bastard," Annabelle said weakly from where she was. 

     "Well, speak of the devil. Look who's awake," the shifter said making it's way to Annabelle. "It's nice to see you again, sweet heart." 

     "Fuck you," Annabelle said leaning her head back. 

     "I would let you. Oh, my bad. He would let you. Not so sure about me in my real form," the shifter said crouching in front of her. 

     "So what's your plan? Kill off your threat, then continue the killings. Someone will notice at some point that it's a little fishy," Annabelle said, attempting a slight laugh. "You monsters never win." 

     "Oh, but this time I will," the shifter said leaning forward. "Because once I hop into your skin, I'll have more power and knowledge than I'll know what to deal with. To answer your real question, I'm not going to kill you. Maybe put in a good word with the King of Hell that I have you two." 

     "He'll just kill you. Once he's done with you, he'll kill you!" Kevin yelled, still frustrated with his situation. The shifter smiled, getting up and walking to the prophet. 

     "At least I'll die knowing I won against a hunter and a prophet of the Lord," the shifter said tilting its head a little bit. It walked back to Annabelle, and leaned towards her face. "Maybe I'll have a little fun first." 

     "Have fun in Purgatory," Annabelle said with a smirk. She had been cutting the ropes with her silver knife she had in her sleeve, and quickly moved her hands in front of her. She dug the knife into the shifter's heart, making sure she really killed it. When it started falling, Annabelle let out a heavy sigh. She pulled the dagger out, then looked over at Kevin. She walked to him, beginning to cut his ropes. 

     "Is he dead?" Kevin asked making Annabelle nod. 

     "Yeah. Pretty sure. We need to burn it then make sure no one ever brings this up again," Annabelle said as Kevin's ropes broke. He leaned forward, throwing the ropes on the ground. 

     "But is it true?" Kevin asked causing Annabelle to freeze. 

     "Is what true?" she asked turning to face him a little bit. 

     "Did you kiss him? The other Kevin?" he asked, his voice almost cracking. She definitely couldn't deny it, but she also couldn't tell him she knew it was a shifter. That would make matters even worse. So she went with the best truth. 

      "I did what I needed to do to corner him," Annabelle said, being a little scared of his answer. Kevin paused, then nodded slightly. 

     "Alright, let's go. We have to burn the body, right?" Kevin asked. He walked past Annabelle, out of the building. She watched, her heart aching a bit. She sighed, looking at the dead shifter on the ground. She walked to it, sliding it in the middle of the room. She looked around and found some salt against the wall. She poured some of it over him, then pulled out a match. She quickly lit it, then threw it at the body. She looked back at the open doors once again, then sighed. She just ruined almost every chance she had with Kevin. And it was over a stupid monster. 


     The next few days after the hunt and no one suspected anything. They let the man go after Annabelle swapped his DNA with a different man's who was dead already. Then after that, things went back to normal. Spend all the boring days in the chapel. 

     Annabelle went back to reading book she got from the library, and she was also going to the coffee shop daily. She didn't have much else to do, and she barely talked to Kevin. Who was still a little angry over the shifter. How was he supposed to act? The girl he cared for and liked kissed a different version of Kevin. 

     Now, all they need to do is wait, wait for the rest of their lives basically until they can figure out a way to kill Crowley, or just hide from him forever. 


     She found herself back in the dream. Annabelle looked around the warehouse, recognizing it immediately. She turned around, not seeing anyone. She looked down to see the angel blade in her hand again, and looked back up. 

     "Crowley?" she called out, stepping forward. "Hello?"  

     "Nice to see you again, kitten," Crowley said, a slight purr in his voice. 

     "Ew," Annabelle stated, her arms scrunching. 

     "Let's get to the punch line. You're seeing me because you just made a huge mistake and I have to deal with you," Crowley said sitting down and leaning back in his chair. Annabelle opened her mouth to protest, then stopped. 

     "How did you know?" she asked confused. 

     "Well, that part of me I left in your soul is the human part of me," Crowley stated beginning to pour a drink. 

     "Technically you are a human. Just twisted and torn and hurt," Annabelle said with a shrug. 

     "I left the part of me that cares," Crowley said causing Annabelle to nod. 

     "Which means?" she asked motioning for him to go on. 

     "You explain your problem, I fix it, we leave," Crowley said smiling and holding his arms up. 

     "I don't want to explain my problems with you," Annabelle said as she snatched a drink out of Crowley's hand. She drank it, then gave it back. "I want your bits and pieces of depression out of me." 

     "Not enjoying the party, are we?" Crowley asked making Annabelle glare at him. 

     "Take a wild guess," Annabelle remarked sitting in the other chair. She realized that they had transitioned to an office like room, making her look around. "Where are we?"

     "My office. I got sick of that boring warehouse. Bad memories there," Crowley stated waving his hand. 

     "Like how Kevin and I escaped?" Annabelle suggested. Crowley glared over at her, then turned back to face the front of the room. "I don't think you solve my problems, Crowley." He looked at her again, raising an eyebrow. 

     "What makes you say?" he asked folding his hands together. 

     "You didn't leave anything inside me. You're lying. This is my imagination. This is my mind. You can't tap into that unless you know where I am, and if you knew where I was we wouldn't be where we are. I'm creating this to buy myself time. If anything, I'm in your head." Crowley looked forward again, then snapped his fingers. In a second, Annabelle was awake. 



bye, peeps.

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