13- The Wintran Clan

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Based off of 8.02, What's Up, Tiger Mommy?


     "Are you kidding me? You're kidding me," Dean said with a mouthful of hamburger. 

     "What? Is it too much to ask if we can swing by and check on my mom?" Kevin asked sounding a bit annoyed. 

     ""Swing by?" It's a day's drive in the opposite direction. You know that, right?" Dean asked leaning forward. 

     "Yes. I understand we're in a hurry," Kevin said irritated. 

     "Okay, well, then, what's the problem?" Dean asked. 

     "Channing's broken neck is my problem!" Kevin exclaimed, making Annabelle look around to see if anyone heard. "As in I'd rather not see my mom twisted into a corkscrew." 

     "Kid's got a point, Dean," Sam said making Dean look over at him. 

     "Stay out of this," Dean said to Sam. "Kevin, your mom is fine." 

     "How could you, of all people, know that?" Annabelle asked her arms still crossed. 

     "Because Crowley needs her to be, okay?" Dean said in a questioning tone. In fact, he's probably got the place stacked with bodyguards right now, protecting her so that when you do show up, they'll pounce on you both. Including Annabelle." 

     "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Kevin asked leaning forward. 

     "She's bait, man, plain and simple. And you want to swim right up and bite the hook?" Dean asked. He sighed, setting his burger down. "Look, we have got Crowley by the short and curlies, okay? All we need to do is find the tablet, whip up the spell, and – boom! – sunshine and sandy beaches." He picked the burger up, and Kevin shook his head in disbelief. 

     "Dean, my mom's all alone. She's surrounded by demons. Can you really not understand why I want to make sure she's okay?" Kevin asked raising an eyebrow. Dean looked at Sam who shrugged, then at Annabelle who had a smirk on her face. 

     "Son of a bitch," Dean muttered. He set the burger down again throwing his hands in the air. "Fine. Let's go." 


     Annabelle sat against the door of the Impala as Sam looked through binoculars at Kevin's house. Kevin had managed to be looking out the window, yet leaning against Annabelle as she ran her fingers through his hair. 

     "Tiger mom, nine o'clock," Sam said. Kevin sat up, snatching the binoculars from Sam. He looked, too anxious to find her spot. 

     "Where?" Kevin asked. 

     "Left window," Sam replied. Kevin found her, then lightly smiled. 

     "She seems okay. Sad... but okay," Kevin stated. 

     "Check out the mailman," Annabelle stated. Kevin turned, looking through the binoculars at the mailman putting letters into the mailbox. 

     "Yeah, that's Carl. So what?" Kevin asked. 

     "Yeah, well, Carl's filled your mom's mailbox three times since we've been sitting here," Dean said like it should be obvious. 

     "He's a demon?" Kevin asked looking at Dean. 

     "And see the gardener?" Dean asked. Kevin took his attention to the gardener in front of his house. 

     "Think that plant needs any more water?" Annabelle asked. There was a river of water flowing down the steps that lead to the house. There were in fact demons surrounding that house. 

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