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Based off of 8.11, LARP and the Real Girl


     "What do you mean Kevin kicked you out?" Dean asked as he got in his car. 

     "I mean he's having a stressful time, booted me and his mom to the side and out of the house boat. So I need a place to stay. Usually you two are my first options," Annabelle said as she stood outside the Gas n Sip. 

     "Well, at least the kid's trying to concentrate. Alright, tell us where you are. We're on our way," Dean said. He hung up the phone, turning on his Baby. 

     "Hey, you got a case?" Sam asked and Dean shook his head. 

     "No. Kevin cast out his mom, Garth, and Annabelle, so we're picking up Annabelle because she's our sister," Dean said pulling out of the motel parking lot. 

     "Nice. I think I got us a case," Sam said handing his phone to Dean. "Farmington Hills, Michigan." 

     "Alright, let's get to it," Dean replied. He turned his music up, hitting the gas. 


     The trio of Wincehsters walked into the apartment of the now dead Ed Nelson. Apparently ripped limb from limb inside his locked apartment. Annabelle was thinking ghost, or witch work. Or it could be someone like her who could teleport. Yet, that wasn't very important. 

     "Sheriff," Sam said as the three got out their badges. "Special Agent Taggart. These are my partner's, Special Agent Rosewood and Special Agents Hawthorn." 

     "FBI? You guys are quick. Haven't even got the body out yet," Sheriff said turning to face the three. 

     "Well, the FBI is all work... no play," Dean said looking at Annabelle. 

     "You know, why don't you give Agent Taggart the tour while my partner and I look around?" Annabelle suggested ignoring Dean's comment. The sheriff gave her a confused look and she shrugged. "We work better on our own." 

     "Your world, Agents. Follow me," the sheriff said to Sam. Annabelle nodded at Dean, pulling her EMF out of her inside trench coat pocket. She had stolen Cas's a while back and was using the pant suit she wore for regular cases. She was surprised to see Sam and Dean still had it. 

     The EMF picked up nothing, making Annabelle sigh. She had scoured each room getting nothing in each, going into the same one's as Dean, him doing the same as her. They both met at the middle of the hall after getting nothing and started walking back. Upon reaching the living room, they shook their heads at Sam. 

     "How is he a lead?" Sam asked as the sheriff finished his statement. 

     "The two of them talked together for 15 minutes, and then Lance sent Ed here all kinds of angry texts. Some of them were your typical threat stuff, but some were a little weird," the sheriff said looking between the three hunters. 

     "Weird how?" Sam asked shoving his hands in his pockets. 

     "Like, uh..." The sheriff flipped through his notebook. ""You shall bleed for your crimes against us," followed by the emoticon of a skull. And, uh, this beauty – "I am a mage. I will destroy you." These kids today with their texting and murder. My men just brought Lance into the station for questioning." 

     "Well, we're gonna need to take first crack at the suspect," Sam said nodding slightly. 

     "Like I said, Agent, it's your world," the sheriff smiled. 

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