16- Runaway, Baby

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Slight backstory from 8.02


     Annabelle woke up, looking around to see if she was still in the auction house. She saw the hammer lying next to her, then sat up. She grabbed it, running to the other room where she saw Sam, Dean, Kevin, and Mrs. Tran. Mrs. Tran was mute, and Kevin looked like he was ready to rip out Dean's throat. 

     "I just want to talk to my mom alone," Kevin said. Annabelle looked at Sam and Dean, wondering what she missed. "Annabelle, you can stay." 

     "Sure, five minutes," Sam replied. Annabelle watched as Sam and Dean left the room, the doors closing. 

     "Mom..." Kevin said, his voice cracking. Annabelle set the hammer on the chair, then pulled one up next to Kevin. She placed a hand on his knee, and he looked down. Annabelle took a second, then sighed. She got a piece of paper out of her jacket, then scribbled something down. "What are you doing?" 

     "We're leaving," Annabelle said setting the note on her chair. "Grab her, let's go." 

     "Where are we going?" Kevin asked as he helped his mom up. She got back enough sanity to walk. 

     "Well, seeing as my brothers have officially fucked us at this point, we're going to hide. Don't trust anyone, don't even have a cell phone. I'm leaving mine here," Annabelle said pulling hers out of her pocket and setting it on the chair. 

     "Okay," Kevin nodded. She opened the back door for him and his mom, then turned to the car. She got in the driver's seat, leaning down and hot wiring it easily. She booked it, leaving the auction house as fast as possible. 


     Annabella walked down the bridge, her brother trailing close behind her. She was still angered with the whole situation. Loki being gone. She had learned when they were all teenagers that Loki wasn't of their blood. She knew he was adopted, yet Thor still didn't know. 

     "Annabella, stop! Talk to me," Thor demanded. 

     "What is there to talk about?" Annabella asked turning to Thor. "Loki is gone. All because of our father and you." 

     "You seem to care more than everyone else, is everything alright?" Thor asked stepping to her. 

     "Loki wasn't our brother, Thor. He was a frost giant. Laufey's son! He was not blood related to us at all. You let him die," Annabella answered. 

     "I didn't let him die, he chose to let go," Thor answered. 

     "You could've stopped him. You knew he was going to let go of the staff. You let him," Annabella responded. She waited for Thor to respond, only to receive silence from him. She nodded, shoving past him, hoping he wouldn't turn around. Yet, he did. She lost her balance, beginning to fall over the broken bridge. Thor quickly grabbed Annabella, gripping onto the edge so she wouldn't fall. 

     "Don't let go," Thor said beginning to pull them up onto the bridge. 

     "Like Loki did?" Annabella asked. "The way you let him?" 

     "Annabella! This isn't the time!" Thor shouted. 

     "All Loki wanted was to be the same as you! He was sick of being under appreciated! All he wanted was a brother!" Annabella yelled. Thor looked down at her, then at their hands. She noticed his loosening grip. "Do it. Like you did Loki." Thor's grip was fully loosened, and Annabelle was only holding to his wrist. "Good to know you're such a good brother." She let go, falling into the oblivion. 


     "Annabelle! Annabelle, wake up!" Kevin shouted. The girl popped up on the bed, looking around. Kevin put his arms on her shoulder as she kept looking around. 

     "Where am I? Where are we?" she asked, still feeling in contact with the other universe. 

     "We're still in the bar. It's okay," Kevin said. Annabelle's chest heaved up and down, and she looked around. 

     "Got it, bar," she nodded. Kevin smiled, trying to make her feel better. "Water. I need some water." 

     "Yeah," Kevin said. He turned, grabbing a water bottle and handing it to her. She uncapped it, drinking it quickly. She took a breath when she was done, then sat up completely. "Another vision?" 

     "Yup," Annabelle responded. She ran a hand through her sweat drenched hair, looking around the room. It had been almost a month sine the Tran's and Annabelle ditched Sam and Dean. Annabelle had no regrets, and she knew that it was going to come to it at some point. She also knew they were team up again. Knowing the Winchesters. 

     "I'm gonna go see how my mom's doing. She contacted some witch to help keep us hidden from Crowley," Kevin said shrugging slightly. 

     "What?" Annabelle asked suddenly very interested. 

     "Yeah, I was expecting that reaction," Kevin said with a nod. "Come on, get up. You need to shower." 

     "Thank you, Captain Obvious," Annabelle said rolling her sleeves up. She pulled her hair into a pony tail, then walked out of the room next to Kevin. Mrs. Tran went for her water gun, making Annabelle hold her hand up. "Don't do it, not possessed." 

     "Mom, it's okay," Kevin said with a sigh. Mrs. Tran slowly put the water gun back down, and Annabelle walked toward her again. 

     "Kevin says you hired a witch," Annabelle said taking a seat at the counter. 

     "I did," Mrs. Tran said. "She's as eager to take down the demons as we are." 

     "How do you know you can trust her? Where did you even get a witch?" Annabelle asked crossing her arms as she leaned back. 

     "I found her on Craigslist. She's the real deal, and I didn't give her specifics about what we need. It's fine, she's trustworthy," Mrs. Tran said confidently. Annabelle looked at Kevin who shrugged, not having anything to say. 

     "I guess if that's what you think is best then go ahead. I'm gonna take a shower," Annabelle said. She jumped down from the chair, walking to the bathroom. 


     The time ticked as Annabelle sat on the cot she usually stayed at, not really bothering to stay out in the other room with Mrs. Tran who was usually on her computer. A great way to get caught, by the way. 

     "Hey," Kevin said walking into the room. Annabelle looked up at him with a smile, scooting down the cot so he could sit. He took a seat in front of her, crossing his legs as well. "So, want to tell me what this vision was about?" 

     "It was the one where I fell off the bridge. The one where I was in Asgard for the last time," Annabelle said. She figured it out weeks ago. She was having vision of a previous life, which was also and alternate universe that is used for entertainment in this world. But she isn't in the movies in this world. 

     "Where Thor let's go?" Kevin asked. Annabelle nodded, a frown taking place. 

     "Yeah," she answered quietly. Kevin opened his arms, motioning for her to hug him. She leaned forward, then he quickly wrapped his arms around her to pull her into him. Annabelle smiled as he fell back on the cot, giving them enough space to lay together. She looked up at Kevin once they had both settled, and tried leaning up to him. He noticed her struggling, a small smile forming on his face. He leaned down, pressing his lips against hers. He pulled back a second later, and Annabelle leaned her head against his chest. 

     "It's okay," Kevin said with a nod. "I'm always going to be here."  


oof. this is bad. plus, this series will turn into
a loki series, so i'm sorry if you don't like him. 
please support though, i would appreciate it.

(there are around sixteen chapters left.)

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