7- Impostor

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     The day had started like any other day would start. Wake up, talk, sit in silence for a while, then try and find something to do. Repeat that for a week and you get the life of Kevin Tran and Annabelle Winchester. They were sick of it, and would much rather be doing anything else. Minus being captured by demons. 

     "I'm sick of this place!" Kevin exclaimed as Annabelle read through a book she picked up at the library. 

     "Is the book I got you that boring?" she asked raising an eyebrow at Kevin. 

     "Yes," he stated firmly looking back at her. She held a hand up in defense, then turned away from him again. "I need something to do!" 

     "Honestly, I thought I would go mad before you," Annabelle said flipping her page. 

    "What is that supposed to mean?" Kevin asked looking over at Annabelle. 

     "Nothing. Go to the coffee shop I went to last week. It's nice," Annabelle said not really paying attention. Kevin took a minute to think, then nodded. 

     "Alright, but you're coming with me," he said grabbing her hand and pulling her up. 

     "Why?" Annabelle whined. 

     "Because I want you to be with me," Kevin said looking back at her. She set the book down, smiling at him. 

     "Okay, fine," she said beginning to walk with him. The warm feeling returned to both of them as they left the warehouse. And soon it wouldn't be long before it was all ruined. 


     "So, you find The Hunger Games offensive because they're living a better life than you?" Annabelle asked furrowing her eyebrows. 

     "No, I'm jealous of Peeta," Kevin said biting into his sandwich again. Annabelle stared at her hands confused, then shook her head. She bit into her sandwich leaning back. 

     "Why?" she asked, mouth full. 

     "He gets the girl," Kevin said with a sigh. 

     "Yeah, at the end of the second book," Annabelle said making Kevin's eyes widen. 

     "Spoiler!" Kevin said offended. 

     "You said you weren't going to read it," Annabelle said leaning forward again.  

     "Yeah, that doesn't mean you spoil," Kevin protested. Annabelle was about to protest again until she heard sirens across the street. Both her and Kevin looked over, then back at each other. Annabelle pulled a twenty out of her pocket, set it on the table, then got up with Kevin following close behind. 

     "Hey, what's going on?" Annabelle asked a guy that was behind the crime scene tape. 

     "Dude killed his wife, then claimed he wasn't even home. Poor woman. It was bad. Neighbor's heard everything. I feel so bad," the man said motioning to the guy. 

     "Thank god I brought my badge," Annabelle said glancing at Kevin. She went under the tape, holding her badge up to the officer. 

     "So quick? How come?" the officer asked. 

     "Was passing through the town and saw the crime scene. Thought I would check it out. What is it classified as?" she asked putting the badge back. 

     "Homicide. He came home early from a business trip, then slaughtered his wife. It's a shame. Weird thing is he got here after the call," the officer said with a sigh. "He's in the car if you wanna talk to him." 

     "Thanks," Annabelle responded. She turned, walking to the car. She nodded at an officer to open the door, then squatted down. "Hey, pal." 

     "Who are you?" the man asked sounding scared. Annabelle pulled out her badge. 

     "FBI. Why don't you tell me what happened last night?" she asked putting away the badge and resting her elbows on her knee's. 

     "I swear I didn't do it. I wasn't even home when the call was made. I got home after the police call. My wife called, saying she was scared. Now she's dead and can't attest for me," the man said quickly. "Please tell me you believe me." Annabelle sighed, then stood up. 

     "A lot of things are real, but cloning isn't. Yet lying is very much real, sir. Have a swell time," Annabelle said. She shut the door, turning and walking out of the crime scene. She got quite a ways away before Kevin caught up to her. 

     "So what is it?" he asked making her sigh. 

     "A shapeshifter. A serious one. We should probably head back to the chapel. He's gonna do it again," Annabelle said making Kevin nod. Then they headed back to the chapel. 


     Kevin walked out of the chapel, beginning to head towards the diner where he would get dinner for him and Annabelle. He heard a twig crack, causing his head to whip around. When nothing was there, he turned and walked again. He was about to exit the woods when arms grabbed him and threw him into a car. He looked up to now see himself in front of him. 

     "Oh, Kevin. Thank you for the body change. That old hag was getting useless," Shifter Kevin said making the young prophet's eyes widen. "I sure will have fun killing your little crush." Kevin was about to leap out of the trunk, but it shut on him. The shifter smirked, turning away from the car. "This is going to be fun." 


     Annabelle sat on one of the pews, legs stretched in front of her. She was reading one of the books she had gotten from the library when Kevin walked into the chapel with a bag of food. Not Kevin though, the shifter. 

     "Please tell me you got rolls," she said not looking up from the book. The shifter looked at the bag and shrugged. 

     "I think so," it said. Annabelle sighed, setting the book down and getting up. She dug through the bag and found none. 

     "You didn't!" she exclaimed making the shifter furrow his eyebrows. 

     "Hey, at least I came back in one piece," the shifter said with a sigh as he set the food down. Annabelle grabbed the bowl of chili and the plastic spoon that came with it. She started eating as she focused on her book. The entire time she could feel Kevin's stare on her, yet she knew something was off. She couldn't put her finger on it though. 

     "Are you going to stare at me the whole time I eat or are we going to talk?" she asked not looking up. The shifter straightened up immediately, looking away. Annabelle glanced up from her book, then marked her page. She stood up, walking to the pew Kevin was in, then sat down. "I can't believe there's an actual case." 

     "Yeah, and we tried so hard to stay under the radar," the shifter said lying straight through its teeth. 

     "Yup. Back to basics," Annabelle said looking over at the shifter. It was then that she saw the darkness in his eyes. She knew it wasn't Kevin. That was when the shifter leaned forward, pressing its lips against Annabelle's. She immediately kissed back, moving her leg over his lap. 

     She reached the knife in her boot, using her other hand to move it through the shifter's fake hair. She grabbed the silver dagger, then took a tight grip of the shifters hair. She pulled his head back, placing the blade right up against it's chest. 

     "Where's Kevin?" 


Ya know, if anyone is actually reading
it's a cliff hanger. Anyways...

bye, peeps. 

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