Chapter 1

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<<Namjoon p.o.v>>

I ran to school, because I, off course, missed my bus and I had to take my finals. Running, while having my friend Yoongi on the phone, I tried to convince him to win me some time. Unlucky for me, he was in a bad mood. I felt his fury through the phone and asked him to give me Taehyung, who's the opposite of Yoongi. Very, very, very bright.

"Bro you gotta win me some time." I whine. "Fine! I'll try, but I can't promise it'll work!" He gives in. Just when I'm about to hang up he shouts through the phone, which hurt my ear. "YOU OWE ME MC DONALDS!" After yelling this into my ear, he hangs up.

Cursing to myself I run run around the corner, until something catches my attention. I halt and take few steps back to notice a box, which says 'FREE' on it. I look in the box there's a black haired kitten laying in it, Shivering from the cold. My heart can't stand me leaving it alone so I grab the kitten, along with its box and run like a maniac. By running I startled the kitten, but it didn't have the strength to oppose.

When I run through the halls I hear the bell ring. "Fuck. And what am I gonna do with you?" I look down at the fragile black kitten. I can't really put in my locker. I run into class and everybody looks at me with a confused look. "Exuse me..." I start, but the teacher doesn't let me finish. "It's alright, you can sit down. But why the box, mr. Kim?" He asks, raising his eyebrow. Before I can explain, the kitten makes a little mewl sound. It was so cute I turn my focus to it.

Taehyung stands up, very curious about what's in the box and when he sees the kitten, he starts awing. "O my God, Namjoon how did you get this?" He asks me while petting the kitten little head. "From the streets, he was left alone to die." A lot of girls start to gather around me and the box I'm holding. "It's so cute!" 

Then a loud bang startles everyone. The teacher hit his desk with his pointer. "What's all rucus this about?" He asks, walking up to me and he looks in the box. "I-I rescued it sir." I try to explain, but he hits me on the shoulder. "Then what are you doing? Go bring it to the vet or something! I'll make sure you'll get to retake the test."

Startled I bowed to him and ran outta class. I heard Taehyung ask if he could go with me, since he had a car and I don't. I assumed he was allowed to come, because of the approaching footsteps behind me. "Let's go!" He pats me on the shoulder when he passes me.

Taehyungs car was pretty big, for a student. I didn't expect less though, his parents are rich and love to show it of. So did Taehyung. But he never bragged or was mean. He is one of the most selfless guys I know. Not to mention his handsome face and bright personality. Taehyung loves shopping and clothes. He's a Gucci boy and everybody knew it. Even his socks are Gucci. His style is pretty different from others, but that's what I love about him. He's different and doesn't care about others oppinions. He's our alien and we love him for it.

The kitten was moving it's head and then turned to change his sleeping position. It was so cute I started petting it on it's head. A big feeling of relief was going through me. Maybe he wasn't in that bad of a state. When we hit a bump on the road the kitten jumped up and looked me straight in the eyes. "It's okay, we're gonna let you get checked and then you'll go home with me." I stroke its head and he leans into my hand. It lays back down and closes its eyes again, as if he understood and trusted me. Taehyung wanted pet it to because of its cuteness, but I wouldn't let him. He may have a car, but that doesn't mean he's a good driver.

When we entered the parking lot, I wrapped the kitten in de blanket that was already inside the box. We got out the car and were welcomed by dogs barking all over the place. As I expected, the kitten woke up and tried to run away, but I held it in place and gave myself a pat on back for wrapping it up. As we entered the building the barking got louder and the kitten got more nervous. Only now I see it has a string on its tail, with a paper on it. "Kim Seokjin." I read out loud.

Taehyung looks up. "What did you say?" "Kim Seokjin. This string was on its tail." I awnser. "Weird." Taehyung says. "A cat with a full name." I laugh at his remark. "Kinda yeah. I'm not gonna call him that, that's way to long." After some time thinking about a name, I feel like Einstein solving a mathproblem. "Jin!" I say. Taehyung pats me on the back. "Bro that's a great name!"

I'm way to proud of myself for coming up with a name that was already part of his own name. I just made it shorter. Well, not bad, I'm happy with it. I start petting Jin to calm him down. "It's okay Jinnie, just a check-up so you can go with me. I feel him relax under my touch.

"Kim Namjoon." I hear someone call my name. It was a man with plastic gloves on, so I expected him to be a veterinarian. I stood up along with Taehyung and followed the man to one the rooms. I put the box on the high metal table in the middle of the room and get Jin out. After I unwrap him, he jumps onto me, clawing in my chest. Like that he climbs on my shoulder and sits down, his nails dug deep in my flesh.

"Jinnie! Please let go, the earlier we can go home." I ask him. After the word home, he jumps on the table and sits down, leaving all of us amazed. I stroke his head. "Good job Jinnie, now stay put." I was interupted by the vet. "May I ask what the problem is?" He asks. "Well I found him in this box on the streets and wanted to get him checked out before taking him home." I explain. "Smart choice mr. Kim, you never know if straycats carry diceases." He starts.

The thought of him carrying diceases made me sad. I was already attached to him and didn't want to leave him alone. After Jins examination the vet concluded he was healthy and well, he only was to thin for his size, but I didn't expect otherwise. How long would he have laid there?

On the way to Taehyungs car, I thought about our options. We missed the only test we had, so going home wasn't a bad idea. But then I had an idea.

((((( A Little note~)))))

Okay first book ever, let me know what you think! 😉

I also don't really know how hybrids work, so I made them able to shapeshift, which I think is a  pretty cool thing to be able to do.

We'll see how this'll escalate.

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