Chapter 15

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Now on the highway, Namjoon still went with the speed of lightning. He passed by cars, who started honking at them. Jungkook clinging to Yoongi, Yoongi clinging to Hoseok and Hoseok clinging to the seat in front of him. All sharing the same thought: "We're gonna die..."

Taehyung enjoyed it. He was laughing and hung his head out of the window. Letting the wind mess up his before perfect hair.

Namjoon could only think about getting his boyfriend back.

~ Meanwhile ~

"His face reminds me why I'm doing this again." Wonho strokes Seokjin's cheek and grins. He steps out of the car and walks to Seokjin's side calmly.

He opens the door and lifts the little hybrid bridal style. He walks into his mansion and orders his staff to get him one of his 'special' things.

He walks upstairs on the big marble staircase, to his room. He places Seokjin on his bed softly. "They should be here soon I guess."

Wonho turned around when he heard knocking on the door. A maid came in as soon as Wonho ordered her to. She gave him a little stack of clothes and bowed. "Now leave." She bowed again and left the room.

Wonho turned around and his eyes lit up neon yellow. He smirked seeing the little and helpless hybrid laying in front of him. Plush lips and rosy cheeks. Everything was so attractive to him.

The way his body was slender, but still had curves, on all the right places.

His personality the most cute and innocent as they could be. He's so cute, but sexy at the same time.

He grabbed his favorite piece of the stack of clothing and undressed Seokjin.

Since he was only wearing a sweater and boxers, undressing him wasn't difficult.

After Wonho pulled off Seokjin's sweater, Seokjin started turning in his sleep. He rolled over to lay on his stomach, his plump ass up. Wonho gulped down.

The pink and white stripes on his boxers doing his ass good.

"Fuck." Wonho hisses.

He turns Seokjin around again, but it's not helping. His bulge gaping at him and he bites his lip.

"Aahhh!! Fuck!"

He puts Seokjin in a pink dress he has for his 'fun times' with whoever and it fits. "Hmm, you're the first to try this one kitty. I bought it for my women, but it fits you perfectly. And those stockings..."

(To feed your fantasies

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(To feed your fantasies. You're welcome)

Wonho lays the boy down on his king-sized bed and stares at him. "Damn, you're so pretty..." Wonho wondered following Seokjin's curves, up and down until finding his pink plush lips again.

He runs his finger along Seokjin's bottom lip and pouts. "To bad these are reserved."

"Fuck it, I don't think I'll get a chance like this again." Wonho thinks out loud. He grabs Seokjin and places him on his lap to have better access to his mouth

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