Chapter 8

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Jin tried to object by standing up, but fell down again. He hisses from the pain. "Ahh, Jin! Just stay down." Jungkook pushes the smaller male down.

Jin is a bit taken aback. Wasn't he taller than Jungkook?

"Jinnie? What's wrong?" Namjoon kneels down.

"Ah, I- eh..." Jin can't get his mouth to do what he wants.

"I scared him by slamming the door and then he spilled hot chocolate over himself." Jungkook awnsers in Jin's place.

Taehyung scrunches his nose. "Aish! Yikes!"

"Tae can you call the doctor?" Jungkook's still showering Jin.

"Are you givin me orders?"

"No you alien! I'm asking you to!"

Jungkook actually got mad, which scared Taehyung, much to Namjoon's pleasing. They never saw him running this fast. Namjoon and Jin grinned as they noticed Jungkook took over their little nickname for Taehyung.

Jungkook rolls his eyes and sighs deeply.

"Sometimes I think there's nothing more than good looks in that head of his."

Jin and Namjoon burst out laughing at Jungkooks remark.

Namjoon whipes a tear away.

"I know, we've all been there."

Namjoon and Jin actually came up with a nickname for Jungkook as well. They call him 'The Golden Bunny'. Because he's good at at like, everything.

Jin kinda forgot about his pain due all his happy thoughts, but was harshly reminded when Namjoon touched his burned skin. Being the destruction monster he is, he pressed way to hard on the incredibly sensitive skin.

Jin moaned and hissed.

But why was it so hot to Namjoon?

"Oh! Ah~... Shit! Sorry baby!" Namjoon panicks and kisses Jin's forehead.

How happy Jin may have been with the kiss, the pain was unbearable.

He tried not to cry with all his might, but failed.

Soft sobs where heard and Namjoon had never felt this bad.

He didn't know how to react, so he just hugged the sobbing hybrid.

He strokes his raven black hair whispers sweet words into his ear.

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm gonna take care of you, I'm here, don't worry. We're all here."

Jungkook nodded strongly. He was still cooling Seokjin's leg.

Suddenly Yoongi and Hoseok come in. "What happened? Tae came asking for our phone?" Yoongi sounds concerned as he crouches down to the softly sobbing hybrid.

He rubs away a tear with his thumb. "Hey? Jin?" Yoongi would lie if he said he didn't have a soft spot for Seokjin.

He really cared for all his friends , but he just felt a connection between the two of them. Jin felt the same way.

Even though they both didn't mean it in a romantic way, their boyfriends couldn't be not jealous.

Jin hiccups.

"I-I'm okay, really." Jin sniff.

He tries to get up again, but again falls down as soon he leans on his painful leg.

He rubs his ass and hisses.

Yoongi looks him deep in the eyes. Jin swore he could hear him talk, but his mouth didn't move.

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