Chapter 11

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Warning: sMut \( ⊙ω⊙ )/

"Hmmmmm~ Babe, your phone." Yoongi grumbles, waking up from the sound of Hoseok's phone.

"Baaaabbbbeee." He whines.

Hoseok takes a deep sigh. "That must be Jungkook, we'd hang out today."

Just as he reaches for his phone the ringing stops. "Aahh~ Finally." Yoongi sighs and buries his head in his boyfriend's chest.

Hoseok wraps his arms around the latter and rubs his lower back, earning a breathy moan.

Tracing the lines of his back he suddenly grabs the boy's ass. Yoongi gasps and dugs his nails in Hoseok's arms.

"Hmmmm~ Go on..." Yoongi moans.

Hoseok chuckles. "Eager aren't we?"

Hoseok feels Yoongi nod, his head still buried in his chest.

Suddenly, Yoongi pushes Hoseok down and starts grinding on him. He bites his lip and throws his head back at the stimulation, moaning loudly.

Hoseok sucks on his teeth and licks his lips at the sight, Yoongi's moans like music to him.

"Mmm, baby go on." Hoseok licks his lips and rubs Yoongi's inner thighs, turning the mint haired boy on even more.

Yoongi slows his grinding down, feeling Hoseok's cock getting harder by the second.

"Lemme suck you off." Yoongi licks his lips and quickly undoes his boyfriend from his pants.

He smirks as the length hits him in the face. "Now who's eager?"

Yoongi starts giving the already rock-hard cock kitten licks. He licks a long stripe from the base to the head.

Hoseok throws his head back and hisses. "Ahh~ You're doing great honey." He grabs Yoongi by his mint locks and thrust into his pretty mouth.

Hoseok feels the usual butterflies in his stomach and pulls Yoongi off his throbbing length, releasing an obscene pop.

Hoseok flips them over, hovering over Yoongi who's panting heavily.

Yoongi pulls the latter in for a heated kiss and nibbles on his earlobe. "I want to ride you."

Hoseok smirks. "Sure thing honey." And he let's himself be pushed down by the smaller boy.

They undo themselves from the remaining clothes on their heated bodies and Yoongi grabs a firm hold of his boyfriend's rock-hard length.

Hoseok hisses. "Not so rough babe~" He teases Yoongi's cock, making him moan loudly and lose strength in his legs.

Yoongi pouts. "Stop teasing! I want you in me. Right now!"

The sincerity in his voice made Hoseok want to tease him even more. "You're to hot and cute at the same time it's no fair." Yoongi grins and blushes. "Sh-shut up."

Yoongi re-finds his strength and positions Hoseok's cock in his hole. He slowly let's himself slide down on the length and let's out a high pitched moan.

"Ah~ You really are big." Yoongi pants and is slowly getting adjusted to the size.

Hoseok rubs little circles on Yoongi's hips, comforting the latter. He waits for Yoongi to get adjusted and make the first move.

Yoongi leans on Hoseok's stomach and starts bouncing up and down, speeding up his pace every second.

Yoongi is now a moaning mess and Hoseok falls in love with the boy all over again. "Aaaahh~ Hmmmm~ Ho- Hobi- Ah!"

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