Chapter 7

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Namjoon opens his eyes to see the empty space next to him. "Ah. What a weird dream." Suddenly he smells something really nice. Bacon? Bacon!

He walks out of his bedroom to see a black haired boy standing in the kitchen. His tail and hips swaying to the music that's playing. His back faced to Namjoon exposes his broad shoulders and a bowtie, from an pink lacy apron.

Did I have that here?" Namjoon aks himself. Suddenly he remembers. He got it as a prank gift from Taehyung and just threw it somewhere. He never cooked ore baked anyways so he was gonna throw it away, but forgot. Now he praises himself lucky for his always forgetting mind.

Namjoon wanted to go up to him, but waited. He leaned against the doorpost and watched Jin sway his hips and work his magic. He smirked. Namjoon found this incredibly endearing and the food smelled amazing.

Jin enjoyed cooking as much as dancing, but was terrible at dancing. He enjoys moving to a rythem, whatever rythem it may be. As the best part of the song was coming he quickly flipped his omlette and turned around dancing, only to notice Namjoon standing in the doorpost.

"N-Namjoon? Ho- how long have you been here?" Jin blushes and stops abruptly. He mouths an 'Oh My God...' and hides his face behind his hands and continues cooking quickly.

Namjoon can't help but laugh at how cute Jin is.

He backhugs the latter and places his head on Jin's shoulder. "Whatya making?" Jin mewls at the contact. "B-bacon and eggs..." Namjoon inhales the delicious smell. "It smells really good baby." He kisses Jin on the cheek. Jin blushes and smiles shyly. "T-thanks."

"Eeeeewww!" Taehyung comes out of his room olding hands with Jungkook. Taehyung smiles. "Just kidding guys! Don't look so concerned." He says. Jungkook yawns and rubs his eyes. "Goodmorning!" Jungkook stretches while yawning again.

The other three found it endearing Taehyung hugs him. "Kookie! You're so cute!" Namjoon already knew Taehyung fell in love at first sight, just like him with Jin, but seeing Jungkook's reaction, he knew he liked Taehyung back. He also thought about Jin's feelings.

"I do think he likes me to..." He's deep in his thoughts, until he notices a hand waving in front of him. It's Jin's. "Namjoon? Joon? Joonieee... ? Breakfast is ready." He smiles warmly.

Namjoon has to hold back to not take him right here, right now.

All four of them are now at the table, almost drooling because of the food in front of them. Jin was searhing for cutlery to eat their eggs and bacon. "Jin-ah! Please hurry! I'm hungry!" Taehyung whines. "Well eating without cutlery is gonna be a bit difficult, right?" Jin's tail wagging strongly, but his ears are down.

Namjoon stands up. "Seokjin, let me help you baby." Jin's ears perk up and his tail starts wagging even more. This was the first time he's been called by his full name, but he actually liked Jin better, because Namjoon made it up for him.

As the days passed, Jin noticed he was getting more and more comfortable with everyone. Jungkook and Hoseok where his best friends, even though Hoseok still scares him sometimes. Namjoon still made him blush and embarressed with every look and every word he spoke in his low husky voice.

"He's also really nice and handsome and cute at times and..." Jin interrupts his thoughts. "Is this love?" He aks himself. He was alone in the appartment as Taehyung and Namjoon were at school and Jungkook was still sleeping in Taehyungs room.

Jin watched a movie on the couch and had an oversized T-shirt from Namjoon on, falling of his shoulder. He and Namjoon hadn't gone shopping yet, because of his finals, so he dodn't have his own clothes yet.

He was staring at the TV-screen blankly and taking sips of his a little bit to hot chocolate. "Well, Taehyung and Namjoon had their last exam today, so we can go shopping soon." Jin smiles.

A loud bang startles Jin. It's Jungkook slamming the door behind him. There is a lot of strenght in that cute thing. "Sorry! I feel like I'm getting stronger every day! I didn't mean to scare you!" Jungkook apologizes as he rushes over to Jin.

Jin smiles telling him it's okay. He suddenly feels a burning sensation on his leg. He dropped his hot chocolate on himself. He suddenly starts crying and Jungkook doesn't understand, until he sees the mug on the ground and Jin's red skin.

He lifts Jin up bridal style and rushes to the sink. "Y-you h-have to... Aaaahhhh! You have to turn on the cold shower!" Jin shouts. Jungkook immediatly follows his orders by now rushing to the bathroom. He grabs the showerhead and puts it on, then makes it about 20 degrees celcius.

He sprays it on Jin's leg and Jin moans from the relief.

At that moment Namjoon and Taehyung burst in. Looking with wide eyes as Jungkook is hovering over Jin, wetting him with the showerhead.

"What the fuck?!"

"Wait! We can explain!"

((((( A Little note~)))))

What will happen next...?

I'll probably be updating weekly, if I'm not a day to early or to late 😂

I'm sorry for updating this late! I've been on a holiday in Belgium and been very busy with school, I never expected myself to be THIS late! I'm so so sorry!

Let me know what you think! I use a lot of time skipping, let me know wheter it annoys you or anything, I'll tone it down a bit😂 😉

Thanks for reading!

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