Chapter 12

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And again sMut \(⊙ω⊙)/

"We've got an hour right?" Hoseok repeats it in his head a few times and doesn't let himself be told twice.

He immediately attacks Yoongi's lips with his own. "I love you so much, I'm going insane." Hoseok moans.

He cups Yoongi's face and squeezes his cheeks together. "So much." He says with the warmest smile.

Yoongi can do nothing but blush. He hides his face in the crook of his boyfriend's neck. "I-I love you to."

Hoseok loved complementing his lover, and so he did. He told Yoongi everything he loved about him, which was pretty much everything.

Yoongi always told him to stop, because it made him feel embarrassed and made him blush so much. But secretly, he really loved it.

Yoongi positioned himself on Hoseok's cock again and starts grinding.

"You're tired right honey? Let me do it for you now." Hoseok licks a long stripe along Yoongi's collarbone. He licks his lips. "Delicious."

"I-I still want to ride- ah! you!" Yoongi pants. "Won't you let me have my fun now? Hmm? Honey?" Hoseok teases both Yoongi's nipples, making him moan loudly.

"Ah! N-no not there! Aah!" Yoongi clenches his teeth to stop the moaning. But Hoseok won't allow him. "Come on, don't hold back, I wanna hear you."

He kisses Yoongi and sucks on his tongue. "God, you're so beautiful."

Then he suddenly flips them over, Yoongi now on all fours. "N-no I-I'm gonna fall." Yoongi complains.

"Come on honey, let me have my fun! Wait!" Hoseok repositions them so Yoongi is now leaning against the wall with his forearms.

"Better?" Yoongi nods softly. He's reminded that Hoseok's still inside when he starts thrusting roughly.

With every thrust, Yoongi lets out a hungry moan. His voice beautifully echoing through their shared bathroom.

Hoseok has his grip tight around Yoongi's waist. He is enjoying everything in the moment.

The sound of skin slapping skin, the way the water splashes with every thrust, the breathtaking view of Yoongi's backside, but what he enjoys the most are the beautiful sounds coming from his lover's doll like lips.

He finds Yoongi the most beautiful person on earth, his gummy smile, his stupid jokes, the way he asks for attention, everything.

To him he has no flaws.

"I love you so much, you don't even wanna know." Hoseok whispers in his lover's ear.

Yoongi grabs his neck and pulls him in for another passionate kiss.

"Try me."

Hoseok smirks. "Oh! You just wait!" He now thrust as hard as he can, making Yoongi go insane with pleasure.

"Aah! Hobi! I'm going! Ah! Insane! I'm gonna come!"

"Me to honey, me to."

Hoseok bites his lip seeing the moaning mess called Yoongi under him. He slaps Yoongi in his ass real hard, sending him over the edge.

Yoongi comes with a loud, high pitched moan and pants heavily.

"Sorry honey, I'm not done yet." Hoseok keeps ramming into the smaller boy and finally reaches his high, spilling inside him.

Both of the share a loving and passionate kiss. "Round 3?" "Hell yeah."

Hoseok sits himself on the broad rim of the bathtub, cock already erect.

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