Chapter 6

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Everybody finished their pizza's and all the boxes were stacked. Taehyung found it pleasing to the eye, so he took a snapchat. Namjoon sighs. Taehyung is like a social media queen. He pleases his followers with his rich and luxurious lifetsyle, but also with his selca's. Cause nobody can deny, he is fucking beautiful.

Not as beautiful as Jin of course, but he came in a good second.

After posting his photo, he swiches to front camera and takes a selca with Jungkook, who looks very confused in the camera. As he's about to post it, Yoongi deletes the photo.

"Wha-? Dude!?" Taehyung whines. "How about asking permission first? Oh yeah! And the ears?!" Yoongi awnsers. He was mad and everybody felt it. Yoongi was an intimidating guy, for his length. But when he's mad, you're just fucked.

Taehyung scratches the back of his head, knowing Yoongi's right. There are not many people who can do this with Taehyung. Only Yoongi and sometimes Namjoon, when he's really mad.

Not because Taehyung is a bad person, just because he's not used to be told no. Being as spoiled as he is, he came out extremely well. Instead of other rich kids, who are the biggest snobs.

Taehyung smiles his usual boxy smile. "Sorry Jungkookie! Wanna take a selca?" Jungkook smiles and nods.

Hoseok jumps on them to get in the selca. Taehyung starts to record. Then Yoongi joins in and takes a funny pose together with Hoseok. Namjoon pulls Jin towards the group and Jin lets his ears vanish. They all jump on eachother.

"When are you gonna take the picture, my jaw hurts." Hoseok is still smiling. They all laugh.

Taehyung takes his thumb from the circle and ends the recording on his snapchat. He immediatly saves the clip and makes a boomerang out of it.

"This is so going on my insta to!" Tae giggles.

He earns a playful hit on the back of his head from Namjoon. "You weren't even taking a picture, yah! Idiot!" He laughs. "You gotta send me that!"

"Sure I'll just put it in our groupchat." Taehyung awnsers.

Hoseok and Yoongi took their leave. It was a Thursday and tomorrow was a normal schoolday. Namjoon and Taehyung didn't really mind them leaving. 1. Yoongi had a bit to much beer. 2.They got really lovey dovey and it made them nauseous. 3. They wanted to be lovey dovey to.

Namjoon was thinking about what to do with sleeping. Luckily both Namjoon and Taehyung had bed for 2. Taehyung's luxurious kingsized bed had arrived that afternoon, so he didn't have to sleep in the single bed Namjoon had for him.

Taehyung and Jungkook already went to Taehyung's room and Namjoon was cleaning after everyone's ass. Jin patiently waited on the couch for him to finish, but decided to help out. He wanted to help, but didn't kno where all this stuff is supposed to go. Namjoon gave him instructions as he felt Jin didn't know what to do. Jin never awnsered and just did as he was told.

After they finished cleaning, Jin yawned. Namjoon found it endearing. He saw the opportunity to comfort Jin, and took it. He patted Jin's head and stroked his face. "Thank you." He looks Jin in the eyes. God were they beautiful.

Jin blushes heavily and avoids Namjoon's gaze. He smiles weakly and nods.

Namjoon lifts Jin's chin up to face him again, which startled Jin, making him blush more. "You have a beautiful voice you know, why talk so little?" Namjoon questions, but Jin doesn't awnser, he just stares back at Namjoon, with his mouth agape.

Again, Namjoon looked at Jin's flawless face. His plump lips lurring him in for a kiss. He resists as he wants to learn more about Jin. "Hey, baby?" He asks. Namjoon grabs Jin by his waist. "Are you okay?" Jin looks like he's about to cry. Without thinking, Namjoon hugs him.Namjoon felt the need to protect this boy, to precious and beautiful for any harm.

In the embrace Namjoon feels Jin shaking, and hears soft hiccups. Jin is crying.

Namjoon has an internal panic attack, but stays calm on the outside. Unsure of what to do, he just keeps hugging him and whispers that everything is gonna be alright. He rubs circles on Jin's back and strokes his head as he's crying into Namjoon's chest.

When he calmed down a bit, Namjoon grabs and ecorts him to his room where they sit sown on the bed. "What happened baby?" Namjoon aks. "W-well, I-I uh... I-..." Jin pauses as he can't give words to his feelings.

"I'm scared." He then says.

"Of what?"

"B-being alone."

"You're not alone."

"I AM alone."

"No." Namjoon says. "You have me now. I'll make sure you will never feel alone, ever again." He hugs Jin tightly. "Let's sleep, I have no finals tommorow, so I ain't going anywhere."

Jin and Namjoon crawl under the sheets. "Can I really?" Jin looks Namjoon right in the eye as they lay next to eachother. "Of course." Namjoon warmly smiles, dimples showing. Jin really liked his dimples and poked them. He then gasps. "Ah! Sorry, I-I..." Namjoon laughs and pulls Jin closer until their noses touch.

"You are so beautiful." Namjoon exclaimes making Jin blush. Jin hides his face in Namjoon's chest from embarrassment. Namjoon grins to himself. AH! So cute!

He lifts Jin's chin and kisses him lovingly. He then kisses his forehead and hugs him stroking his head. "Good night baby." "G-good night." Jin awnsers and they both smile, while drifting of to sleep.

((((( A Little note~)))))

What will happen next...?

I'll probably be updating weekly, if I'm not a day to early or to late 😂

Let me know what you think! 😉

Thanks for reading!

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