Chapter 30

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On the walk back home they honestly hoped for the best.

They cheered Jimin on as he ran to do whatever he had planned (or actually didn't plan). They just hope they both feel the same.

"I wonder how it'll turn out." Taehyung says. "I hope they'll get together! They are so cute together!" Seokjin smiles.

"Maybe we could go on double dates." Seokjin tilts his head in confusion. "Joonie? What's that?" "Well that's when people..."

"No what's that!?" Taehyung cuts him off and points at the biggest box they've ever seen. Three man strong holding it in place. "Is any of you maybe Kim Seokjin?" "I-I am." Seokjin answers is a small voice, hiding behind Namjoon. "This is a present from Lee Wonho, there was a note attached." The man hands Namjoon an envelope with Seokjin's name on it and they leave the big package to the boys.

He opens it and starts reading. "Hi Kitty, it's been a while. But I didn't forget. You loved this one didn't you? I'm hereby giving it to you. Let's meet again and..." Namjoon pauses for a second. "Forget that Namjoon for a while." He finishes. "What the f....!" Taehyung about to curse but Jungkook puts his hand on his mouth just in time. "His number is on there too... " Namjoon sighed.

"That's fucked up! Seokjinnie any idea what he's talking about?" Seokjin shakes his head and thinks deeply for a few seconds. "I think I know... A painting I said I liked."

"Why would he?" "I don't know, I told him that too. I said that he likes it as much as to hang it on his walls, so why give it to me?" Everybody cooes, Seokjin still so kind.

"Yo! What the fuck is that?" Yoongi and Hoseok come walking up to them. "Is that for you guys?" Hoseok adds. Namjoon sadly nods, making Yoongi chuckle.

"How, what, why? That doesn't even fit in the house. What are we gonna do with it?" Namjoon just has his mouth agape at the size of the thing. "Return it?" Seokjin looks up to his friends with innocent eyes. "Maybe we could sell it." Yoongi shrugs. "No! We have to return it!" Seokjin stomps his feet. Honestly everything he does is cute. "Well... ~~ he gave it to you, soooo~....." "No~!"

"Fine~ We'll return it." Yoongi pinches Seokjin's chubby cheeks. "B-but how?" Jungkook eyes the thing up and down. "It's really huge."

"S-should we i-invite him here?"
Seokjin asks with pleading eyes.

"No." All of them answer the question in unison. "But then how are gonna give it back?" Seokjin whines. "Can't we really just sell it, way easier!" Yoongi whines back. "No~! Can't we go over him?" Seokjin and Yoongi both pout angrily in tiny and look at their boyfriends to back them up.

Hoseok and Namjoon look at this each other, also not sure what to do.

"Well... First of all... We're not gonna sell it." Yoongi pouts even more and Seokjin lights up. "But we also can't bring it back... Sending it back is gonna cost us way to much..."

"I can pay." Taehyung raises his hand. "No way that'd be to much to ask!" Namjoon argues. "Well what the fuck do you wanna do then?"

Again back to square one.

"You know what? I'm gonna call him and demand him to bring his ass over here." Hoseok grabs his phone.

"Like that's a good idea!" Jungkook argues.

They all start to argue about what to do, yelling at each other. Seokjin grabs Namjoon's sleeve who's also yelling at the others.

"D-don't fight please..." He softly says.

Jungkook pats him on his back and yells to everybody to stop. "Seokjin is right, fighting about it isn't gonna solve anything! We all should think about it together." Seokjin nods and pouts as Jungkook speaks his mind.

"Sorry Seokjinnie." Yoongi ruffles through his hair. Seokjin smiles, leaning into the comforting touch.

"I'll just send it back you guys, it's fine." Taehyung says. "We'll just send him the fucking check." Yoongi adds.

Said and done, the enormous painting was gone that evening.

"Can't it ever not be hectic around here god damn~" Yoongi lets himself fall on the couch.

Seokjin plops next to him and cuddles up to him. Seokjin is his absolute weakness and everybody knows. "Pizza?" He asks the older in a cute voice. Yoongi nods and starts stroking Seokjin's hair. He looks up to Hoseok with kind of pleading eyes. Hoseok is super weak to Yoongi, but also Seokjin. Combined, he can't even think of saying no to those two cuties.

He looks at Namjoon who chuckles and rolls his eyes. Also weak to those two. And Taehyung's and Jungkook's pleading eyes really didn't help either.

"Okay, pizza it is~"

Really short and still not quite happy with it... I'm really trying hard to make it fun and interesting but also not let you wait this damn long... I'm sorry it sucks

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