Chapter 27

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Seokjin woke up feeling the place next to him wasn't occupied. But it still felt warm. "Ah, he isn't out of bed long." He rolled over a few times and sat up to stretch and his tail and ears twitch satisfied when he's done. He swayingly makes his way to the closet to grab one his (A/N~ *ahem* Namjoon's) favorite sweaters and a pair of boxers.

A delicious smell draws him to the kitchen, but no ones there. He turns his attention to the living room, to find the backs of two heads facing him. "Good morning." Seokjin gasps surprised by his own voice. Raw and raspy, as if he had a cold. Namjoon and Taehyung chuckle. "Have you been to vocal for me princess?" With a sly Namjoon pulls the hybrid on his lap. Seokjin just turns crimson red as hears Namjoon and Tae laugh. "Sh-shut up! You're so mean~" Seokjin crosses his arms and pouts.

"Aw baby~" Namjoon fakes sympathising dramatically. "Well, I have something to make it up for you," Seokjin gasps and his emerald eyes start sparkling with curiosity. "wanna know what it is?" Seokjin vigorously nods. "Well Taehyung and I made something for both you and Jungkook, so would you be so kind to wake him up? So he can get to see his surprise to?" Seokjin nods just as enthousiasric as before. He hops off Namjoon's lap to find Jungkook. So they enjoy their surprise together.

Seokjin opens the door and sees Jungkook laying under the sheets only the top of his head sticking out. It looks funny and makes Seokjin giggle.  "Kookie~" He tries softly, whispering near his ear. "Kookie~" This time a bit louder. "Hmmm~" A low groan came from under the sheets, making Seokjin giggle again. "Kookie~ Joonie and Tae-Tae said they have a surprise for us! Come on get out!" He giggles and throws himself on the sleeping bunny. "I wanna sleep, my head hurts~" Jungkook whines in a raspy voice and it makes Seokjin blush. He heard Jungkook last night and he must've heard him to.

"J-jungkookie?" To which the aforementioned only responds with a "hm?" "D-did you hear us? Last night?" Jungkook starts blushing, not for Seokjin to see, still hiding himself under the sheets.

Getting impatient, Seokjin crawls under the sheets with Jungkook. He starts hugging him and giggles cutely. "Kookie, maybe we can make a pillow fort! But after our surprise of course!" When there's no answer from the latter his ears go flat against his head. "Kookie? A-are you okay? Does it hurt that much you don't even wanna see the surprise and not built a pillow fort with me?" Seokjin sounded really dejected. To much for Jungkook's liking. "Ah-n-no but..." The bunny hybrid repositions himself to face Seokjin. "It's j-just embarrassing and my head really hurts!"

Seokjin smiles and boops the other's nose. "It's okay, I'm embarrassed too. But I guess we had... fun...?" After a second of looking each other in the eyes, they hide their in their hand as they both turn crimson red from blushing.

To see if the coast's clear Seokjin peeks between his fingers. He starts giggling and ruffles through his hair. "You have funny hair when you're just out of bed. It's pointing at every direction!" Jugngkook laugh and ruffles Seokjin's hair to. "Well so does yours!" As they fall into a fit of laughter, the door slightly opens.

"Jinnie? Jungkook? It's taking long..." Namjoon calls for them as he enters the room and is followed by Taehyung peeking over his shoulder. "Aw babies! What are you boys doing?" Tae cooes. "And without your boyfriends!" Namjoon adds with a lazy dimpled smile.

"You guys look so adorable like this! But aren't you curious for your surprise?"

"Wait Joon, just lemme take a picture of this first because damn, this is to fucking cute." Taehyung takes his phone from his back pocket and takes a picture. Namjoon sighs. "Your phone case is Gucci? Bro!"

"What can I say? 'Le me' is a Gucci man~" He smugly shrugs and a head peeks from above the blankets. "Oh shut up!" Namjoon snorts and pats his friend on the back. "You a Gucci fan 'BOY'." Giggles are heard from under the sheets and Taehyung groans.

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