Chapter 24

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~A/N~ Before starting drunk babies are life it's cute af 😊

"What's that drink in the bottle?" The two ask with doe eyes. "You've never heard of beer before?" Yoongi gulps his down in  a second. "It's really good, you should try it." Yoongi smirks and hands his freshly opened bottle to Seokjin. "Seokjinnie share nice with Kook yeah?"

Seokjin jumps up and thanks Yoongi. "Seokjinnie you can on my lap~" Jungkook pats his well build thighs for Seokjin to sit on. "Guys seriously this is a bad idea." Namjoon tries to butt in, but Yoongi doesn't let him. "It'll be fine, just let them taste."

Seokjin takes a seat on Jungkook's lap and smells the drink. "Uwa~ that smells really bad!" He scrunches his nose. "Jungkookie, smell!" He holds the bottle under his nose. "It does!" He pushes the bottle away.

"Don't worry~ It tastes great~" Yoongi keeps going. "I'll just try, whatever." Jungkook takes the bottle from Seokjin's hand and takes a small sip.

He scrunches up his nose again. "Aish~ so bitter." He takes another sip. "But I could get used to this. Here Seokjinnie you try." Namjoon rubs his temples at the sight. Seokjin takes a small sip and immediately hands it back to Jungkook. He scrunches his nose. "This is yucky! Ew~!" Everybody bursts into laughter. "Wow that was exactly the reaction I expected." Yoongi laughs. "He said yucky! That's so fucking cute!" Soorim cooed.

"I have some soda if you want Seokjin." Soorim asks. "Really? Yes please!" "A coke?" "Yesh~"

Soorim walks to the back of the store to come back with a few cups and a cola bottle and a bottle of... clear fluid? "Is that...?" Soorim interrupts Taehyung's question. "Bacardi? Hell yeah." She grabs a cup and pours a layer Bacardi in and fills it with cola.

"Here Seokjinnie." She hands Seokjin the cup. He gulps it down and everybody jumps up, telling him to stop. "No! No! No! Seokjin!" Hoseok  takes the drink from his lips. "W-why? I was thirsty..."

"Jinnie there's alcohol in this." Namjoon takes him from Jungkook's lap. "What's aco- alcohol?"  Seokjin asks taking place on Namjoon's lap. "Fuck, guys there's only a sip left." Hoseok shows the almost empty cup.

"Yeah what's alcohol?" Jungkook asks, his beer now empty to.

"This shit is gonna have a bad ending." Taehyung breaks the silence. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know they never had it!" Soorim apologizes. Taehyung takes Jungkook on his lap, he can feel it's gonna kick in soon.

"It's okay Soorim, you couldn't have known. We should've said something to." Namjoon smiles.

Taehyung rubs the boy's back. "I wonder what they're like when they're drunk." He chuckles and everybody agrees.

"Joonie~" Seokjin whines after everybody had a few beers or some other alcoholic beverages. "You'd tell me what alcohol is~!"

"Yeah~!" Jungkook butts in.

Everybody giggles. "Well, it's something in drinks, that makes you feel dizzy and ehh... lightheaded." Namjoon explains as easy and short as possible. "Ohh~" Both Jungkook and Seokjin say.

Everybody just can't get enough of the two cute boys and can't stop laughing at them having trouble talking.

Almost at the same time, their ears and tail pop out. All of them hold their breath, what about Soorim?

"Oh Jungkook is a hybrid to? Didn't expect that." She shrugs her shoulders. "Well that explains his innocence regarding alcohol."

The five boys look at her with big eyes. "You knew?" Hoseok asks. "Well Jimin is a hybrid, so I figured Seokjin must've been one to, since they're brothers. But Jungkook came unexpected. He seemed very confident and... how do say it... dominant." Soorim explains.

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