Chapter 2

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Taehyung parked his car and ran to the store ahead of us. "Namjoon! Hurry up! I want to choose a kitten basket for Jinnie!" I snorted and walked calmly after him, bringing Jin with me. "Guaranteed the best for your pet!" I read the sign out loud. "It better be." I say and kiss Jin on his little head. He purrs and looks me deep in the eyes again. I smile, he is so cute!

Taehyung almost jumps on me. "Look at this one! It's so cute!" Taehyung holds up a black and pink basket with a heart on the side. "The lady said she could put Jinnie's name on it! Right on the heart!" He said enthousiasticly. "But isn't it a bit expensive?" I ask him, almost whispering. "Off course not!" He shouts. "It's on me!" "Are you crazy?" I hiss. "Come on bro, you'll just owe me one more time Mc Donalds." He argues. "This is worth a little bit more than Mc Donalds."

After my remark, Taehyung puts his puppy eyes on. I can never resist them and Tae knows it. "Fine!" I give in.

I look at a pile of stuff on the counter. Tae was talking to the cashier and I heard them coming to an agreement about purchasing something. "What did you buy this time?" I asked. "Only the cutest bunny from the shop!" He awnsered very exited.

The casier came with a white rabbit is a cage. "His name is Jungkook and his favorite snacks are cucumber and lettuce. I'll show you his brand rabbitfood." He said and led Taehyung and me to the 'rabbit corner' and pointed at the brand he was talking about.

"Bro, do you think your parents are okay with this?" I whispered in his ear. "Off course! They never make a problem out of anything!" I knew Taehyung's parents pretty good, the only animals his mom wants in the house are stuffed. Or only wants their fur, as her clothes and accessories. This is gonna be something. I can hear them fight already.

"Look how cute he is! He looks like he has eyeliner on!" Tae's squeals wake me from my thoughts. I look at the cash desk and see the amount of money Taehyung just spend. Off course he has to take the most expensive products, to be sure it's good, as he says himself. But almost 130 fucking dollars. Are you kidding me.

"Tae this is really to much! You shouldn't!" Taehyung just smiled like an idiot. "Namjoon it's okay! I know I have the money and you don't, so why not? Besides because of you, I found Jungkookie!" He happily exclaimes. I decided to give up, this is an argument I'm definitely not gonna win.

The cassier gave us two enormous plastic bags for free. As getting this shitload od stuff to the car by hand, wasn't an option. We'd probably have to walk 3 times to get all of it.

In the car I had both Jungkook and Jin on my lap. Jungkook tried to get closer to Jin, but Jin was scared. I snorted. Jin's a 'scaredy-cat'.

The whole back seat was full of stuff, both Jin's, both Jungkook's. Tae was driving and humming to the radio playing upbeat music. I am scared. He isn't paying attention. "Tae." I start and he turns to me. Not exactly the reaction I was hoping. "O MY GOD KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!" I scream. He turns his face back to the road, preventing us from hitting the car in front of us.

We pant trying to catch our breath as I notice Jin has his paws over his head and he had crawled in between my legs. I pet his back, making him flinch. "It's okay baby, I handled it." He looks up and crawls on my shoulder. His nails dug into my skin deeply, but I didn't care. He liked me!

Taehyung coughs. "I handled it." I hit his arm. "OUCH! Namjoon!" "You should just keep your eyes on the road!" I argue. "I know, but you called me out." He has a point. He wasn't that distracted at first, but I distracted him even more. "You got a point, but try to be more focused please! That's why I called you out."

After a moment of silence, Taehyung hits me on my arm to. "Ouch!" He smiles. "I'll try t be more focused Namjoon." He says calmly. "Thanks, Tae."

We arrived at my apartment and together we dragged the way to heavy scratching post to my floor. Then Tae helped me with getting some other stuff upstairs. Jin an Jungkook are left in the car for a moment and I remember I saw those news items about pets left in their owners car and dying cause of the heat.

It was indeed summer, but not that hot, besides we left all the windows open. Not completely though. I'm afraid Jin will run away.

<<< Taehyung's p.o.v >>>

We stand in Namjoons apartment and admire our own work.

 "Everything is kittenproof!" I shout happily. 

Namjoon laughs and let's his gaze travel through the room. "Thanks Tae." He suddenly says. "I don't know how to repay you." "You don't have to idiot!" I laugh. He always says things like that. I place my hand on his shoulder. "Really though, I chose to do this, you don't have to worry about me thinking you're using me or something." 

He smiles to himself. "How do you always know what, I think? Stop it, yah! It's creepy!" He exclaimes playfully. After we share a laugh we both went downstairs.

Namjoon came downstairs to get Jin. We said goodbye and gave each other a hug. I gave Jin a kiss on his head and a few strokes. And he gave a kiss back! Well a lick, but that's like a kiss for cats!

He waited outside for a while to wave us goodbye, together with Jin.

I was singing along to the radio as EXO was on. Dancing behind the wheel I got some weird looks, but not that I cared. Jungkook was staring at me intensely. I sang some words to him and turned back to the road. "Saranghae!" I shout to him and I 'boop' his nose.

After I parked the car I called one of our staff and let him escort all Jungkooks stuff into my room. I wanted take Jungkook myself. I got him out of his cage and gave the cage to the staff to. I carried him upstairs, explaining what everything in the house was.

"This is my room." I say as we entered my room. "But now it's yours to." I kiss him on his head and his ears perked up. I smiled and released him on the floor. "You wanna explore a bit?" I asked and sat on the bed. He immediatly hopped back to me and tried to climb on my lap. I smiled and picked him up. "Aaaahh ~ you're so cute!"

Suddenly the door swings open, it's my mom. "Mom look!" I say holding up Jungkook. She pulls a disgusted face.  

((((( A Little note~)))))

Tae Tae's mom doesn't seem that happy about Jungkook....

What will happen next...?

I'll probably be updating weekly, if I'm not a day to early or to late😂

 Let me know what you think! 😉  

Thanks for reading!

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