Chapter 28

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"Are you really gonna tell the origin and shit because if you do, please tell me." Taehyung rests his chin on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Why?" "That'll be my que to fall asleep."

"Fine, fine I won't." Both hybrids look at Namjoon with their big doe eyes. "Valentine's Day is basically a day where you express your love to one another." Namjoon explains briefly. "That sounds so nice!" Seokjin exclaims, a frantically nodding Jungkook agreeing with him.

"Of course we do that more often than only on Valentine's Day, but you can express your love and appreciation to anybody, your friends, family, lover even your pet or your neighbor. It's the thought of having someone thinking about you that counts I guess." Namjoon adds.

Both hybrids stare at Namjoon in awe. Taehyung kinda agrees with them. The guy is like a walking encyclopedia. He's full of random facts that you don't really need to know but are interesting anyways.

"You can also call someone you love 'your valentine'! People all over the ask them with presents or flowers." Seokjin lights up. "Can Jimin be my valentine?!" Taehyung snorts while Namjoon raised his eyebrows, being dramaticly offended. "What about me?" Seokjin smiles. "I know we are valentines, but Jimin doesn't!" They all coo at the boy. Jungkook to, even though he still doesn't get how Valentine's Day works either.

"Princess, being someone's valentine, means in a relationship, you can ask someone you're in love with." Namjoon explains and both Jungkook's and Seokjin's mouths form a O. "Oooh! That way!"

"So~ do wanna be our valentines?" Taehyung asks with a smirk. They both happily nod and thank their boyfriends for all the gifts. Both in their own way. Seokjin giggles and showers Namjoon with hugs and kisses. Jungkook wraps his legs around Tae's waist and hugs him tightly. He mutters a small: "Thank you, I love you."

"But can Jimin still be my valentine too?" "We can send him a card." Seokjin furrows his eyebrows. "Like on birthdays?" Taehyung nods and takes over. "Like a thank you and I love you kind of thing." Again both hybrids nod understandingly. "But I wanna tell him personally!" Seokjin pouts. Namjoon sigh defeatedly. "How am I gonna say no?"

And there they went, Taekook insisted on coming along. They really want to meet this Jimin.

"This is the place right?" Taehyung asks before ringing the bell. Namjoon checks his phone. "It says so." Taehyung shrugs and rings the bell and shoves Seokjin in front.

Namjoon bought Seokjin something to give his brother. A fancy bottle of red wine with a little card on it. On the card Seokjin had drawn a big heart with Jimins's name.

The door opens and a head with bright blonde locks pops from behind it. "Seokjin?" "Happy valentines day!" He smiles and holds up te bottle for Jimin to take. Jimin smiles back and opens the door fully. "Thank you baby. Wanna come inside?" He nods and pulls Namjoon inside. "These are my friends Jungkookie and Tae-Tae, is it okay if they come to?" Jimin nods. "Sure."

Seokjin let's his ears and tail pop out. Jimin looks concerned about the presence of the Taekook couple. "It's okay Jungkookie is a hybrid to!" Seokjin smiles, which seems to ease the boy a bit as he let's his ears and tail pop out too.

Jungkook is a bit tense but also let's his ears and tail out. "Oh! You're a bunny hybrid! I would've never guessed!" Jimin smiles making Jungkook feel more comfortable. "Why?" "Well most bunnies have a pretty small built, but you look super strong." Jimin laughs. "We have a typical cat's body. We're very agile and pretty slim." He pinches Seokjin's cheek. "But you've been taken care of well I see." He smiles broadly, feeling proud of what his pretty brother has become, even though he couldn't be there for him.

"You got me wine? How did you get this?" Jimin laughs scanning the bottle. "I got it, Jin told me you've never been a fan of sweets, so Taehyung came up with the idea of a fine wine." "You sure have great taste sir. Does everybody want a glass?"

"But it's like 1 pm." Namjoon argues. Taehyung shushes him. "It's never to early for a great wine." Jimin adds.

"Sure, but none for Jungkook and Jinnie." All of them recall last night, at least the parts they can. "Only a taste." Taehyung goes against Namjoon.

Jimin returns from the kitchen with three wine glasses and carefully placed them in front the destignated person. "It sure smells nice! I hope this wasn't to expensive!" He furrows his eyebrows smelling the fine wine, he honestly can't wait to get a taste.

"No problem at all! The joy you brought to Jin is already enough." Namjoon smiles and takes a small sip and his face lights up. "This is delicious, Tae you really know your stuff!" The aforementioned proudly takes a sip. "Of course I do."

Jimin can't help but agree. "This is the best wine I've ever had, thank you guys so much! Taehyung you really have great taste!" He pats the boy on his back. "Thank you for your card Seokjinnie, it's super cute!" He kisses his brother on the head making him giggle.

((( A Little note~)))))

Short chap

Valentine's Day is so cute honestly, don't only spend it with your lover, but also with family! 😊

Honestly thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting! I love you guys so much! 10k read wtf how I'm not even good at this wut😂
I never ever expected it to actually get any reads or votes like wtf thank you

Gotta love exam week at school tho what is even free time?

But I'm here, tired, dead and very late but better late then never 🤷‍♀

I think


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