Chapter 4

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He smiles very brightly, his mouth in a heart shape. "Nice to meet you guys, Yoogi told me lots about you guys." He offers his hand to Namjoon and then to me. "And I heard you guys needed some help lifting stuff? I'd love to help, since he isn't gonna do much." He says playfully, sweeping his arm around Yoongi.

Yoongi gasps offendedly. "Me? Doing nothing?" He says, every word layered with sarcasm. "I'm gonna do a lot today." We all laugh. "Prove it." Hoseok and I say at the same time. We laugh and high five. Yayy! Friends!

"Damn Taehyung, you really do have a nice car." Yoongi says as I open the trunk. Hoseok walks around the car. "Yeah man, it's insa-... Is that a bunny?" "Ah, yeah that's Jungkook, my new bunny." I awnser walking towards him. "Shouldn't we bring him upstairs first?" Hoseok asks and I nod as a response.

We went up and down the stairs about a hundred times. All my boxes stalled in the hall of Namjoon's, Yoongi's and Hoseok's floor. As soon as we open the door to bring in the boxes, we are welcomed by Jin, jumping on one of the boxes Namjoon is carrying.

<<<<third person p.o,v>>>>

"Ah! Jinnie! This doesn't make it easier!" A twinkle of mischief shines in Jin's eyes. He starts climbing on Namjoon's shoulder then on his head. Everybody laughs as Jin proudly stares down on everyone from his high place. "He really likes you, Joon!" Hoseok exclaims. Yoongi kicks him, without anyone noticing. Namjoon laughs. "Fortunately!"

As steady as possible, Namjoon puts down his box and started cuddling with Jin. Earning licks and headrubs. The fun stopped when he got hit on the back of his head by Yoongi. "This is your fucking apartment stupid, help out a bit!" Namjoon got up in an instance and rubbed the place he just got hit. "Yes sir..." He says dejected, slumping towards the pile of boxes waiting for him and the others.

All boxes in Taehyungs new room, unpacked and well. "They should deliver my new bed soon." Taehyung looks on his watch. "New bed? You have one here?" Hoseok points at the bed as neatly made as Namjoon was capable to. "Bruh, I made it for you! I don't even make my own bed!" Namjoon exclaimes insulted. "Waste of effort." Yoongi agrees.

When done, Namjoon grabbed four cans of beer out of the fridge and handed them to the other three. "No man!" Yoongi raises his voice. "Won't it become to much and to dark?" Taehyung shakes his head. "I like busy and weird prints and I also like dark accents in my room, so I would do that!" He explains. After some more discussions about what to do with the room, Hoseok asks for attention.

"Okay you guys, I gotta tell you something. I hope you don't mind, but..." He was interrupted by Yoongi. "Hobi, you don't have to you know." Taehyung and Namjoon frowned. Hobi?

"It's okay Yoongs." Hoseok sighs deeply. "I'm a hybrid too." He confesses. The two boys looked eachother confused in the eyes. "What are you talking about? Those things don't exist!" Taehyung exclaims in disbelieve. Namjoon just stares blankly. "What the fuck is a hybrid?"

Suddenly two ears pop out of Hoseok's head. His tail wagging behind him. "Well everybody has an animal side in them, but in hybrids, that animal side is more present then with humans. Most of us are living as a full animal or a full human. Hiding our ears and tails costs a lot of effort tho, so I told you before you guys would find yourselves."

Taehyung jumps up and feels Hoseok's ears. "That's really cool!" "Really?!" Hoseok wags his tail vigorously. "You said you can turn full dog to, right?" Taehyung asks. "Eh, yeah. Haven't done that in a while tho."

Yoongi shakes his head. "I knew Tae would react like this." He thinks. When he turnes his glance towards Namjoon, he starts lauging loudly. Namjoon's just blanky staring at the wall.

"Wait! How can you guys not know what hybrids are, when you both have one?" Hoseok asks. Namjoon and Taehyung look at eachother and then to their new animals, both sleeping peacefully. "How do you know they're hybrids?" Namjoon asks.

"Their smell."

"Their smell?"

"Their smell!"

"So that means they're like you?" Namjoon asks

"Kinda." Hoseok answ

"I'm gonna wake them up, now." Taehyung gets up to get Jungkook and Namjoon gets Jin. Both of them placed on their lap awake and well. "So..." Namjoon starts staring into Jin's eyes. "You're a hybrid?" Jin's eyes grow wide and turnes his gaze to Hoseok quickly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't kill me!" His ears fall next to his head and his tail between his legs. He hides his face.

Jin suddenly jumps of Namjoon and runs towards Namjoons bedroom. "You too, right? Jungkook?" Taehyung asks. Everyones attention now on the two.

Suddenly Jungkook starts to grow, his paws turn into hands and feet and his rabbit body turns into that of a boy. His cute wobbly nose, made place for a cute small button nose that Taehyung already loved and his brown orbs stared at him with twinkles of guilt.

A beautiful boy was now sitting on Taehyungs lap, butt naked and his arms wrapped around his neck. "I'm sorry Taehyung master! I-I was afraid you'd throw me away if you'd find out." The boy said with a voice that was like an angel's according to Taehyung. "Like my last owners." He mumbles sadly.

Taehyung just stares at him, amazed by his beauty. Also, the cute bunny ears are quite distracting to.

"Of course not! Please stay here!" Taehyung says and soothes Jungkook. They smile at eachother, but the moment was ruined by someone scraping their throat. A boy in the doorway from Namjoon's bedroom is fiddling his fingers, wearing only a pink sweater, which was way to big for him, seeing it is Namjoon's. 

  His tail between his legs and his ears hanging down. He doesn't dare to look up. "Eh- I Ehm I'm a-..." The black haired boy stumbles on his words. "I-I'm sorry, I'm a hybrid to!" He blurts out, making his hands into fists to gain more strength to speak.

Namjoon walks up to him and looks down on him, he's shivering. He lifts Jin's chin up to face him. He has his his eyes closed. Namjoon takes a good moment to observe Jin's flawless face, plumb lips, small button nose and long black lashes. "Open your eyes." Namjoon orders. Jin squeezes his eyes shut even more. "Come on, open them." He says sweetly.

Jin flutters his eyes open and stares into Namjoon's eyes with his emerald green orbs. "It really is you." Namjoon strokes Jin's cheek and Jin leans into his hand. A purring sound leaves his mouth and he quickly covers his mouth and starts blushing.

"How cute!" Yoongi interrupts their moment. "You guys probably have a lot to discuss, so we're leaving. And so do we, right?" Yoongi looks accusingly. Hoseok's tail starts hanging again aswell as his ears. "Yes." He awnsers dejected, trailing behind Yoongi out of the front door.

((((( A Little note~)))))

What will happen next...?

I'll probably be updating weekly, if I'm not a day to early or to late 😂

I'm sorry for updating this late! I've been busy with school, my new part-time job, my internship and my sport. We've been training a lot and we've become 1#!! We got a medal and had a little party! So I've been busy lately, really really, really sorry! 🙏

Let me know what you think! 😉

Thanks for reading!

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