Chapter 5

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An awkward silence remains.

"Sooo..." Taehyung starts. "Shall we order some pizza or something? I'm hungry." Jungkook is still sitting on Tae's lap. Namjoon still has his hands placed on Jin's shoulders. Suddenly Jin runs back into Namjoon's bedroom. He returns with another sweater, a black one.

Without daring to look at Jungkook, he hands it to him. "I-I thought you m-might be cold." He stutters, cheeks tinted red. "Ah! Thank you!" Jungkook shows his cute bunny smile, which eases Jin. "Y-You're welcome." He awnsers, still stuttering, but able to look him in the eyes.

Both Taehyung's and Namjoon's heart skip a beat. "So cute!"

"So is everybody okay with pizza?" Taehyung asks, he is really hungry. "What is that?" Jin and Jungkook ask in unison. "You 'bout to taste then!" Taehyung exclaims happily.

"What flavors do like?" Taehyung slips his hand under the black sweater Jungkook put on, now caressing his back sensually. "Well, uh... I like all sorts of vedgetables and fruit..." He blushes. "And what about you?" Namjoon whispered into Jin's ear, his arms around his waist. Jin blushes and can't look him in the eyes. "Ehm... Fi- fish?" "Is tuna good?" Jin exitedly nods his head and turns to face Namjoon. "Really? Tuna is suuuperdelicious!" He smiles, making Namjoon blush. He hugs him, surprising Jin. "You are to cute!" He mumbles.

Taehyung doesn't notice the other two, as he plays with Jungkooks fluffy tail. Suddenly Jungkook let's out a moan. He immediatly covers his mouth and blushes heavily. Luckily for them, the other two are completely in their own world to and didn't notice a thing.

He hits Taehyung. "D-Don't do that! We're not alone in here!" Taehyung smirks and bring his mouth close to Jungkook's ear. "So I'm allowed when we're alone?" He whispers seductively. Jungkook starts blushing even harder. He hugs Taehyung to hide his embarrased face. Y-you stupid!" He hides his face in the crook of Taehyung neck.

"So we gettin pizza or not?" Namjoon still has one arm around Jin's waist. "Ah! Yeah! Throw me my phone will ya!" Taehyung awnsers. "It's fine, I'll call." Namjoon grabs his phone out of his backpocket without letting Jin go and orders a pizza tuna, pizza barbecue, pizza veggie and a pizza with 4 different kinds of cheeses for Taehyung.

The bell rang as a sign the pizza has arrived. Jin and Jungkook hold hands as they exitedly wait for the to them unknown pizza. Namjoon opens the door to see a tall boy standing with six boxes. "Ehm... We ordered only 4?" He asks.

"Yes, but I already have these for your neighbors." The tall pizzaboy awnsers as he points to Yoongi's door. Namjoon nods and hand the boy his money.

"Can I deliver the pizza to my neighbor? He's my best friend and I wanted to invite him over anyways." Namjoon aks.

"Uhm... Sure... But I want to see you "deliver" it, in case you'll steal them."

"There are actual people who do that?"

"Sadly, yes. Some people really love pizza." He jokes.

Namjoon laughs and pats the boy on his shoulder. "Thanks!"

As soon as Namjoon hit Yoongi's doorbell, Jin comes out of the hallway. "Namjoon, what takes so long?" He asks and has the attention of both males standing in the hall. "Damn, who are you?" The pizzaboy takes a hold of Jin's hand and kisses it. "I-I'm Seokjin." He awnsers, flustered and confused. Mostly confused.

Something inside Namjoon snaps, but he manages to hold back. He pushes the boy away and kisses Jin deeply. "I'm sorry, he's my boyfriend." He smirks. Jin touches his lips, not believing what just happened. He starts blushing heavily and covers his face.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't know." The pizzaboy apoligizes. "You're a lucky guy." He then whispers into Namjoons ear. "Hell yeah I am." He whispers back.

They look up to see Yoongi leaning against his doorway with crossed arms, smirking.

"How touching! How cute! Is there a reason I am honored to see this amazing spectacle?"

"Ehm... Pizza!?" Both Namjoon and the pizzaboy awnsered at the same time.

"Ah! Hobi! Pizza's here!" He shouts into the livingroom.

"You guys were probably kind enough to pay already, right?"

"HA!" Namjoon fakes a laugh. "Good one!"

Hoseok comes dashing next to Yoongi. "It smells so good! Huh? Namjoon?"

Namjoon smiles. "Yeah, here to deliver your pizza! We got some to, wanna eat at our place?"

Hoseok's ears and tail pop up and he starts wagging his tail severely. "Yeah, sure!"

He completely forgot about the pizza delivery guy. Luckily he has a hoodie onso his ears were unseen. Yoongi gave a big pull on his tail, making him whine.

Hoseok regains himself. Even though Namjoon saw it all, it was unnoticed by the pizzaboy. Jin had seen some of it, but went inside quickly. Afraid his ears and tail would appear to.

"Sir, are you alright?" The boy asks. "Eh?! There's a delivery boy to? I thought you were... Aaah~! Whatever! I'm hungry!" He then smiles his heartshape smile. "Yeah I'm fine! Thanks!"

Hoseok takes the pizza's out of Namjoon's hands and walks into Namjoons appartment. "I'm hungry I'll see you there!" He says, slighty annoyed. "Well... Thank you purchasing our pizza's I hope you enjoy them. Good evening!" The boy says after some seconds of silence and leaves.

Yoongi rolls his eyes and bites his lip. "Disobeying me again..." He whispers, trailing behind Namjoon into his appartment.

As they walk in they welcomed by Taehyung shouting at them. "How long did that take! Jesus!" He shouts. Yoongi grins. "Shut the fuck up! Throw me my pizza!" Taehyung is cuddling with Jungkook on the couch and leans forward to reach for Yoongi's pizza. He thows it at him, like a frisbee and Yoongi catches it flawlessly. Yoongi always acts like he hates Taehyung, and he does, but he also loves him.

Hoseok has his ears and tail out again, Jin to. Hoseok is busy talking to Jin and laughing. Jin smiles and nods a lot, not really talking, shy as he is. But after one of Hoseok notices, Jin laughs really hard, making everyone look in disbelieve. He has a very funny and cute laugh, like a windshield wiper. At least Namjoon thought it was very cute.

When he notices Namjoon he runs up to him and grabs his hand. He drags him to the couch and places him next to him. "This is super delicious!" He smiles widely and holds a piece of pizza in front of Namjoons face. Namjoon smirks and takes a bite. Jin grins widely and blushes as he puts the piece of pizza in the box.

Just as he wants to lick his with tomato sauce covered fingers, Namjoon grabs his hand and sucks on his fingers. All the other couples were in their own world to, so no one else noticed.

Jin starts blushing heavily as he stares into Namjoons eyes. Namjoon tries to resist, but he knows he can't resist the plump, pink lips right in front of him. He leans in and kisses Jin. He won't lie to himself, he fell in love with the black haired boy at first sight.

((((( A Little note~)))))

What will happen next...?

I'll probably be updating weekly, if I'm not a day to early or to late 😂

I'm sorry for updating this late! I've been busy with school, my new part-time job, my internship and my sport. We've been training a lot and we've become 1#!! We got a medal and had a little party! So I've been busy lately, really really, really sorry! 🙏

Let me know what you think! 😉

Thanks for reading!

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