Chapter 31

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This will be the last chapter,  I think it's a great point to stop, all is well and they are happy. Nothing I want more for them than that. A comment made me realise:Yeah... they are happy, I don't have to try this hard and knock myself out for not being able to come up with ideas.

I started this with happy thoughts and I want to end it on a happy note for myself.

Honestly, thank everybody who read even a chapter of this story, it gave me a (even though it's a fanfic) big ego-boost about my writing skills, it made me want to keep writing. Since English is not my first language, it has improved so much during the updates (I cringe reading the first chapter ;o; ). It was fun to write and a great way to improve my skills and get my creativity out!

Thank you for following this journey and enjoy the final chapter of My Little Kitten!

 Love you guys!


A few weeks had passed and Seokjin and Jimin had grown very close. Jimin was found more at Namjoon's place, than he was home. Soorim came over a lot, mostly together with Jimin, but also without him, when Jimin couldn't go. She had fully integrated in the group and enjoyed every second spending with the boys. Soorim wasn't just "Jimin's girlfriend" but is a great friend.

Namjoon looked around him as he and his boyfriend cuddled up more. He looked fondly at all his friends chatting and having fun. His best friend Taehyung having a relationship and being independent, his other best friend Yoongi in a loving relationship (and a bottom no less). Both Jungkook and Hoseok, being such awesome partners and also amazing friends.

Jimin unexpectedly joined the group, the lost brothes who've been looking for each other since they were  seperated. They grew so close. Then Soorim came along, she saved Jimin all those years ago and they are so happy together.

And then Seokjin, my sweet Seokjin. Namjoon looked down at the small hybrid cuddling to his arm. He laughs together with the rest as Hoseok tells another funny joke.

Namjoon looked at him fondly. He changed his life. He takes another glance around. "You really changed my life for the better."

"What did you say?" Seokjin looks up to Namjoon with big green orbs.
"Oh nothing baby, just thinking out loud." He kisses him on his forehead, making the younger smile. "I just really love you."

Seokjin reaches up to kiss Namjoon's lips with a big grin on face. "I love you too." Seokjin's confidence makes Namjoon blush a bit.

"Haven't you gotten big huh?" Namjoon pokes fun at Seokjin, who crosses his arms and pouts. "I've always been big!" The remark makes not only Namjoon chuckle, but the whole group. Seokjin blushes, but stand by his point, "I am big! I am! Right Jimin-hyung?" Jimin who was sitting next to Seokjin ruffled his raven-black hair. "Heck yeah you are." All of them laughed.

While talking about nothing Namjoon took one last glance at his friends and boyfriend. Looking back at that one fateful day he was late, when he decided to help a poor kitten. 

Who would've thought? 

"Who would've thought that I could feel this blessed?" 

Thank you~

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