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Hi guys i hope you'll enjoy this I'm not really a good writer butttttt....... I'll make sure to love this story i hope..... Enjoy though, but to be honest i wanted to make this fanfic cause there really aren't tons of murisikibara x reader so yeahhhh..

hi, my name (y/n) (l/n),i was born in japan but i was raised from france,  but i move back to japan cause of my grandparents, just so you know i live alone *sigh*, cause my grandparents enrolled me to yosen high and there house is far away, so i just visted them every weekends if i have the time. I'm not so much of a talker,  some poeple say that i am too cold,  well i don't know about that, but i do know is i love sweets,  even pudding, and pocky but pudding for me is the best.

I was walking to yosen yawning,  because i was bored,  then somebody already called out to me??..

"(y/n)??"a familiar voice told me with shocked.

I turn around and saw my bestfriend from france,  she jumps in joy and jump hug me.

"i miss youu!!! "she hug me tightly, we haven't seen each other since last 2 years ago,  i knew she was in japan,  but i never knew she studied here.

"i miss you too.. "i said blankly, she lets go and Pouted and crossed her arms,  she never change.

"gezz,  you never changed (y/n), even after two years"she said as she playfully rolled her eyes.

"lets go or will be late (bf/n)"as i walk to school.

"wait up!"she said as she went by my side, she was smiling happily, she's always so energetic.

time skip....

We arrived at school,  and lucky us,  we have the same class, so we walk to our classroom she knows this school. More than me, cause she studied here for a year i think she summered studying about biology idk,  i was lucky that I know a Friend who knows the in and outs of this school. I seated besides a window,  while (bf/n)  took seat infront of me,  then the bell rang.

Such timing.........

Then teacher introduce himself, i just ignored everything, I'll just ask (bf/n). I stared at the beautiful clouds.....

Then I heard a slight slam while Opening the door,  i immediately looked,  and saw a tall guy, super tall guy, He had shoulder length, lavender hair that touches his back and violet eyes.

His freaking tall........

"murasakibara, your late, i will let it slide since its the first day of class, pls.  Take your seat"as the teacher said kinda annoyed.

"hai~"he said childishly with a lazy tone, and took a seat from the back as he hold his bag of chips.

I just yawn and go back on what i was doing.

Time skip end of school (we ain't got time for that XD)

The bell rang,  finally i can go home,  i put my textbook back in my bag,  then suddenly (bf/n) pulled me.

"what are you doing?, (bf/n)"i questioned her.

"lets join a club"she said happily dragging me.

"i don't want to.. "i said lazily.

"pls..... "she stopped and looked at me with her best puppy eyes,  it didn't effect me , i just sigh,  she's trying too hard.

"fine..., whatever you want to join, I'll be there too"i said, then immediately she continues to drag me.

She went to the gym, there were tons of stands, she put me on one spot and told me to stay, i just nodded, she went to a stand, she was talking too a guy. Then he gave her a piece of paper and went to me, she wrote her name on the paper.

"what are we joining? "I ask, kinda confused.

"basket ball, we can join as managers"as she was done writing her name and she began to write my name down aswell and she went back to the guy and happily gave him the piece of paper,  i sigh. Then suddenly she came out of nowhere and poke me with a pocky box.

"and here (y/n)"as she gave me it,  and tint blush appeared in my cheeks,  I took it and began to eat it.

"(y/n), you still love sweet don't ya?, and that's for saying thanks for joining with me"she said as she happily smiled.

I nodded and keep on eating the yummy,  pocky.

"let's go, (y/n)"as she happily ran to the exit.

I was walking with my best-- pocky to the exit,  then suddenly i bump into someone, how did i bump into someone you ask??,  well i don't know.

"sorry... "as i didn't bother to look at him or her,  and walk pass him or her, and a voice called out me.

"hey.. "i turn around and saw the purple haired titan guy again.

"can i have some pocky? "he said lazily, but at the same time Childish.

I offered him,  and he smied brightly like a kid,  and took the whole box,  and began to eat until it was empty, i just shrugged and headed to the exit to search for (bf/n).

"thank you,  chibi-chin~"he said childishly, chibi-chin?? And i just put up my hand in response, and walk to the exit.

What a weird guy...

I finally found (bf/f) as she happily wave at me from the gates,  i sigh, and went to her.

"sooo... (y/n), where do you live? "she question me.

"a few more miles from here, how about you"i ask.

"here"she said as she pointed at a normal house,  we wave our fare well and i went to my house,  and cooked something for dinner,  i was done eating and went to my room and immediately went too bed.

This ain't bad after all......

Thanks for reading

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