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You guys were finally arrive,  and of crouse you enjoy your time here with (bf/n) and atsushi,  but one problem, atsushi wouldn't even leave you,  and wouldn't let go of you.

"murashikibara-kun,  you got to let go of (y/n), I want (y/n) to join me at the  clothing shop~"

"but (bf/n)-chin,  I want to spent time with,  (n/n)-chin"atshushi pouted,  as you facepalmed,  getting pulled by the two.

"guys could you, stop,  why don't we just go together, one by one,  since we have plenty of time"you bluntly told them, but they suddenly stopped and shake their hands in agreement.

"agree"both of them said together,  making you sighed and laughed either way, you guys went to the famous sweet shop, and atshushi was clearly enjoying himself, while atshushi fed you some icecream

"ahh~"atshushi told your figure while you open your mouth, and ate the the icecream blishing slightly, making your bestfriend pouted annoyance, eating her icecream violently.

"hmph! Love birds"(bf/n) told you guys sulking making you blink in confusion while atshushi hugged you figure sweetly.

"feed me next (n/n)-chin"atashushi whined making you sweatdropped, you couldn't believe you had to handle these two for a whole day.

"ahh!! So cute"(bf/n) squealed, while she gave you dresses to change making you favepalm, pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance.

"(bf/n) isn't this supposed to be yours??"you questioned since she wanted to buy a dress but instead made you wear it, while your best friend just smiled innocently.

"of crouse, I need to get a good look at it"your bestfriend told you while you facepalm, atshushi was just looking at you blushing red, making you blushed too.

"what do you think, murashikibara-kun???, (y/n)-chan looks cute right??"your bestfriend asked teasing both of you while atshushi was eating his chips, and nodded childishly.

"(n/n)-chin, always look cute in anything.."atshushi told your bestfriend making you blushed even more, (bf/n) made you wear something different this time and its actually a showy dress,  since it was strapless, making your boyfriend blush even more, staring at you with awe, as you hugged yourself trying to cover, yourself up.

You facepalmed from the whistle and stares, while your bestfriend giggled at your facial reaction, atashushi suddenly glared at the men trying to get your attention and stood up getting extermely protective of you, while atshushi pushed you back in the dressing room.

"no! Only I can see (n/n)-chin in that"atshushi pouted making you laughed nervously, blushing from his hands touching your back.

"change"atshushi shoved your clothes to you and closed the the curtains, while you heard both of them argue outside.

"she looks cute in it!"

"I don't want anyone laying their eyes on my cute little (n/n)-chin!"

You just sighed but changed into you clothes again, and went out, your bestfriend decided to buy the clothes that she thought was cute on you, you guys went on a head, looking around, but of crouse it had to end, since the next day, you guys would need to go to the pool, which wasn't exciting for you,  everyone went to the hotel, where everyone was staying, eating dinner.

"are you excited, for the pool, tommorrow???"(bf/n) questioned, while atsushi was trying to let you feed him, but in the end you just fed him, while you looked at your bestfriend.

"not really"you told your bestfrend that pouted making you laugh a little from her face, but you felt atsushi warp his long arm around your waist, pulling you closer snuggling on to your head, taking in your scent, making you blush a little.

"(n/n)-chin, in the swimsuit, that would be cute.."atsushi mumbled pulling you closer, so only you could hear, making you blush more, but the moment was ruin as (bf/n) jump on you out of nowhere.

"what are you guys, talking about, let me in!"(bf/n) whined as your bestfriend tried pulled you to her, but atshushi got a tight grip on you pulling you closer to his chest.

"Don't take (n/n)-chin!"

"you guys are keeping secerts from me! I'm the one who hooked you guys up!"your bestfriend whined hugging you while atshushi was trying to push her face away from you, while you just sighed, why do you even bother...

•~Next day~•

"(y/n), what do you think of my swimsuit~"your best friend twirled around, showing off her two peice light blue shorted bottom bikini, while you were just laying in bed, reading a book not even bothering to look at her

"wow, so nice"you told her monotonely, while your bestfriend pouted and pointed at you.

"atleast act like your trying!"

"wow, so nice"you said putting your book on your stomach, clapping loudly, while (bf/n) smiled proudly.

"i know, its super cute~"your bestfriend twirled around again, while you were back reading your book, as (bf/n) got you book and threw it away while you facepalm.

"if the book has a rip, pay me"you told her monotonely, while your bestfriend ignored you, and threw a (f/c) two piece shorted bottom bikini, making you facepalm.

"as your faithful friend, I knew you didn't bring a bikini so I brought one for you"

"I don't need it"you told her, while your bestfriend smiled evilly and pounce on you.

"if you don't, I'll make you wear it by force!!"(bf/n) said and began to strip you down, makimg you blush madly pushing her face away form you.

"wait!! Time out!"


Hi guys, thanks for still reading this story, I might have change my writing Style, so i hope it doesn't bother you to much, since its been a while since I last updated.

As a sorry, I'll give you a picture of cute little tendou satori💖💖

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