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It was Saturday in the morning as I groan in annoyance thinking about atsushi, his been with that girl for a whole week we couldn't even talked anymore.

I pouted as I got my phone and saw a text from (bf/f), (bf/n) called me as soon i was about to reply.

"hello??"I told (bf/n), as she said in a panick.

"(y/n) come here quick"I raise a brow.

"why?"I questioned, as she directly told me.

"no time to explain, just come here, at the park"she told me as she ended the call.

"what the??"i questioned as I shrugged and began to prepare for whats going to happen

I was wearing a gray hoddie and some pants and sneaker.(a/n I dont have a Sense of style, sorry about thatXD)

I was walking around the park, looking for (bf/n), where the heck is she?? I kept wandering around until I felt someone grab me and pulled me in the bushes.

"(bf/n)! What th"I couldnt finish as she covered my mouth and put her index finger on her lips.

"shhh..they'll hear us"she said as I nodded and she lets go, as she pointed straight ahead, I followed it and saw...

Atshushi with that girl!?

"what is he doing with her?"I ask her and she shrugged.

"they been talking for quiet a while"(bf/n) told me, and both of them stood up and walked off to somewhere.

"lets follow them"(bf/n) told me as she grab my arm and pulled me, what in the world have i gone into..

Me and (bf/n) were following the two, they hadn't been doing anything other than talk, this is getting bored.

"you know, (bf/n) maybe there just hanging out"I told her, as she swayed her head no.

"no, i know that girl likes murashikibara-kun"(bf/n) told me as I began to looked at them.

"look how she looks at him"(bf/n) said suspiciously, as I shrugged.

"i can't really tell?"i told her, both of them were eating ice cream as there was ice cream on that girls face as atshushi wipe it.

"look!"she said slightly screaming, as jealousy began to take over my head, they were so cute togther, they laughed at each other sweetly, atshushi smiled widely at the girl that talked to him, he seem so happy..

"omg, they look like a couple-"(bf/n) slap her mouth shut as she looked at me, I couldn't believe my eyes, I guess atshushi doesn't like me anymore, I don't get it...

"(y/n) are you ok-"(bf/n) couldn't finish again, as she covered her mouth looking shock, I felt a tear went down my face as I wipe it away.

"I don't know if I should be sad, angry or jealous.."I told her, as I stood up and walked away.

"I'll see you around, (bf/n)"I smiled sadly at her and began to walked away, but after I was out of her sight, my walk began to break into a run, as I went directly to my house as tears went down the floor.

"idiot, don't cry its just a man"I told my self and I hugged my legs, I tried to calm myself down but it wouldn't work.

"dang it.."I told my self and cryed my eyes out.


O gosh this is so short, sorry about that...

I been really having a hard time writing this, i guess thats what you called writer block IDK correct me if I'm wrong.

I'll continue the other partXD


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