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I woke up early in the morning as I scratch my bed head, until I finally remebered..

I got up from bed as I looked in the mirror, my hair was above my shoulder I got the tips and played it for a little bit.

"wow"I laughed a little, actually I didn't know what to do with my short hair and leave it be, I did my daily routines and went out.

"(n/n)-chin~, good morning"I heard a fimillar voice called out to me as I turned around and saw atshushi.

"atshushi-kun, good morning"I smiled, I bet (bf/n) is with himuro, atshushi went close to me and ruffled my hair with his big hands.

"lets go"atshushi smiled as he held my hand and drag me, he was kinda out of character??.

"atshushi-kun, is something the matter?"I ask as he looked at me and swayed his head 'no'.

"its nothing, (n/n)-chin"he said as I saw him carry a bag of chips on his other side of his arm, and I shrugged it off.

After for how many minutes was it again?, atshushi drag me to our room as he finally lets go when both of us took a seat on our chairs, he was quiet??

"atshu-"i was cutted after my bestfirend shouted at me, which I sweatdropped.

"(y/n)!!!!goodmorning!!!"she shouted joyfully as she ran up to me and gave me the most tightest bear hugged.

"morning, (bf/n).."I sweatdropped as she squeeze me to death as she lets go and smiled.

"soo how your new hair"she said with guilt, as i touch it.

"really nice actually, I didn't have to use that much shampoo"I said as she laughed a little.

"did you striagten it out??"she ask as I swayed my head 'no'.

"no, the one who cutted my hair could actually become a hairstyles"I told her which she snorted.

"maybe"she giggled and I chuchkled a little, atleast nothings wrongs, as I looked at atshushi and he just smiled at me and like any other person would do, I smiled back.


It was finally lunch time as me and (bf/n) was eating, with a whining atshushi that wants to be fed.

"(n/n)-chin~"he whine as he tried to let me feed him, as I sighed.

"atshushi-kun, aren't you old enough to eat by yourself"I laughed a little, as atshushi pouted cutely, I was about to say something but someone or some girl called out to atshushi.

"murashikibara-san, the teacher called us both"a cute girl called out to atshushi, she had greenish yellow eyes, with brown silky long hair, the lenght of her hair looks like mine before...

"coming.."atshushi groan lazily as he ruffled his hands on my head.

"sorry, (n/n)-chin but you have to feed me next time"atshushi smiled warmly, and I nodded.

"maybe"I said bluntly as he chuchkled and kiss my forehead, and wave.

"see ya"as they close the door, I looked at (bf/n) that was staring at thin air, the same direction where atshushi and the girl was last standing.

"(bf/n) why are you staring at thin air?"I ask my bestfriend that gave me a 'what the heck?' look, which made me confused.

"what??"I ask puzzled, as she sighed.

"don't you think that girl is into murashikibara-kun??"she told me and I shrugged.

"i don't really know, i trust atshushi-kun"I told her and she sighed and nodded.

"but it still suspicious.."she said while eating my lunchXD and I sighed, I do trust atshushi...but something tells me there's something wrong,  but before I think about that, I really need to eat my lunch before (bf/n) eats it first-.-

Timeskip~end of school

I was packing  all my stuff, until someone poke me in the shoulders and I turned around and saw a fimillar giant.

"atshushi-kun, ready to go??"I ask him, as he stratch the back of his head.

"I need to do something with, aiko-chin"atshushi told me and (bf/n) poped up.

"what kind of thing?" she asked and atshushi was about to say something but the girl or so called aiko showed up and open the door.

"murashikibara-san, lets go?"the girl smiled happily.

"got to go, (n/n)-chin~"atshushi smiled and bent down and kissed my cheek and went to the girl, I looked at them as the door was about to close I could see the girl smirked looking at me but then it closed, are my eyes playing with me??

"ohhhhhhh, I have a bad feeling about this (y/n)" (bf/n) crossed her arms with annoyance.

"i don't really know"i told her...

I do trust atshushi but something in my gut believe in (bf/n)


Hey guys thx so much for reading my shit*y story, and I'm really sorry for not updating.

My school has been really though on me which is annoying..

But i will try and post a new chapter.

And this chapter is really trash sorry about thatXD.

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