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Hey guys thanks for still reading, this story I made, I'm really grateful.

P.s this chapter is super long

Well its long for me XD


I was waking up on my bed like the usual days as I stood up and stretch my arms in the air, I sighed in relief and went to the bath room and did my daily routine and went out of my house, locking the door and began to walk to school until I heard a famillar voice called out to me and I sigh in annoyance.

"(y/n)!!!good morning!!"as I was hugged by my energetic friend.

"good morning too,  (bf/n)"I said with a straight face as she lets go and both of us began to walk to school.

"(y/n) are you excited, for the school festival thats coming up"she said as she skipped and hummed a song, and i titled my head to the side.

"school festival??"I ask and her eyes widen.

"you didn't know!?"she ask shocked as she wiggled me in process and stopped.

"didn't you listen that the school festival is coming up after two days"she pouted and I thought about it and finally remembered and flicked my Bestfriend's head.

"now I remember"I said as I began to walk to school and she pouted as she put her hand on the red spot on her forehead and trailed behide me.

As we went to our rooms we were quite early, and (bf/n) kept yapping on how dreamy himuro-san is and I just nodded in agreement.

"you didn't confess yet?" I ask and she blushed madly and figet with her fingers.

"easy for you to say (y/n), your lucky that murasikibara-san likes you"she said pouting and I shrugged.

"maybe, himuro-san likes you"I said as I put my chin on top of my palms looking at her as her face was beet red.

"maybe... "she said wondering as she put her hands on her cheeks, and I chuckled until I heard the door open and saw my lazy gaint boyfriend as he bent down to not to hit his head on the door way and he got a pile of snack on his hands and he smiled towards me and got one chip and he put it on the entrance of my Mouth.

"say ahh~"he said cutely and I blushed and open my open and he feed it to me as he laughed and pinch my cheek.

"(n/n)-chin,  is cute when she's shy"as he lets go of my cheek and he sat on his chair that was behide me.

"damn you (y/n), I never thought you'll get a boyfriend before me"she said in disbelief and I shrugged.

"but still, you guys are my OTP"she squealed, and the bell finally rang as our teacher was here as everyone the students began to go to there respective seats.

"as you all know,  the school festival is coming up, what would you guys like to do"our teacher said and everyone was giving there suggestions.

"anime cafe!"

"hanted House"

"doll house"

"bikini show"as one perverted guy said as I saw a familiar face the raced her arm in the air,  it was (bf/n).

"how about a cat cafe,  where we all us will dress up as cats with maid outfits and the boys can wear tux"my bestfriend suggest as some agreed as the teacher looked at me.

"how about you (l/n)-san"the teacher ask me and I shrugged.

"I'll go with (bf/n), suggestion"I said and the teacher nodded.

Thats Why I Love You {Atsushi Murasakibara x reader} (slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now