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As usual same old days,  preparing for school,  getting out of the house, and  saw (bf/n) running towards me, I'm doomed...... Wonderful day to start.

But someone pulled me, as my face was buried to his chest,  its wasn't boobs, so I'm guessing it was a guy,  i heard my friend squealed in pain too.

I looked up to see mura-kun i blush a little, he is handsome if he is not acting like a kid, I wasn't even closed to his chest,  almost though, i never knew he was this tall....

Or am i just short....

"are you ok, (n/n)-chin~"he said cutely,  still holding on to me.

"thank you, mura-kun"as he let go of me and i looked at where was (bf/f) was and i saw her standing straight  with her hand in a shape of a heart.

"i ship it"she said as her eyes awww us.

"lets go already or we will be late"i said as i looked at mura-kun.

"your early today mura-kun"i ask as we began to walk to school.

"i just woke up early"as he began to eat chips.

I just smiled, as we went to school.

Time skip

Finally its the end of class,  and 3...2...1....

"(y/n), letssss goo!! "she said excitedly, as she hug me.

"can i join? "murasikibara,  said while eating his potato chips.

"sure!"my energetic friend said happily.

As we were walking, we found himuro-san on the way,  at last it will be quiet for now, how i wish himuro-san is in our class, we walk to the gym and our coach saw them.

"get to practice  you two"as there couch said, they nodded and went.

"i ship it"as my friend told me with a smirk.


"you and murasikibara-kun"she said.

"well... I ship you with himuro-san"i said giving her a smirk.

She was Silent, until there was red all over her face,  i giggled at her actions.

Himuro pov

I saw atsushi glancing at (l/n) over and over again,  i giggled.

"atsushi, you like (l/n) don't you"i said smiling.

"i don't know muro-chin~, but my heart always beats fast whenever she is near me,  but at the same time I'm  happy"as i looked at my tall,  blushing friend.

"that means you like her"i said as a chuckled.

"am i going to tell (n/n)-chin~, that i like her?"he questioned.

"no, make it more romantic, hmmm.. How about tomorrow, there no class,  and i heard there was a festival"i said.

"but I'm a little bit scared, what if (n/n)-chin~ heart doesn't beat fast when I'm with her, like mine"he said kinda worried,  its the first time i seen him like this.

"don't worry,  if she doesn't, at least let her know how you feel"i said patting his back.

"ok.. "he said like a kid.

Then we got both hit in the head

"no slacking offff!!!!"

Your pov

Both mura-kun,  and himuro-san got hit by the Coach, i sigh at them.

"(y/n), do you like murasikibara-kun? '"she ask.

"maybe....."i said as there was a tint of blush in my cheeks.

"tell me..., i told you mine"she whine.

"yes"i said directly

"so, straight forward"my friend giggles, as she hug me.

"i never seen you interested in someone"she said as a smirk creep in her mouth.

I rolled my eyes, as himuro got close to us, as a smirk creep in my mouth.

"maybe he asking you out"i whispered to her,  she blush like a mad man,  or woman.

"(bf/n), (l/n) are you guys free tomorrow??"he ask.

"yeah,  were free"my Friend told him shyly.

"why? "i ask.

"me and my friend are going out tomorrow,  wanna come? "he said nicely.

"friend who? "i said as i raise a brow.

"atsushi"he smiled.

"s-sure"my Friend suttured, i sigh and nodded.

" great,  meet at us at the station at 1:30"he said as he wave at us good bye.

What do you know?,  we are already going home, (bf/f) kept on squealing,  and keep on saying on how cute, and handsome himuro-san, i just nodded the whole time.

"see ya tomorrow (y/n)!!,I'll come at you place at 11:30"she said as she went inside her home.

I was walking home finally I arrived, and just ate  instant noodles, cause i was lazy, and went to bed,  i was kinda excited though.

And went to sleep...


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