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I rolled on my bed and groan as I thought about (bf/n) date, it made me worry maybe she'll do something dumb as I looked at the clock it was still 1:00 pm and I Startch my head in annoyance I was worried, really worried for (bf/n) as I began to call atsushi.

"what is it (n/n)-chin"he answered.

"atsushi, I'm going to sneak around there date I'm worried about (bf/n)"I said in a panick.

"calm down (n/n)-chin, they we'll be fine"he said and I sighed.

"I'm just worried for (bf/n)"I murmured and I heard him sighed.

"fine, since I worried about you too, I'm coming"he said and my eyes widen.

"are you sure?"I ask shocked.

"yeah"he happily said and I sighed.

"fine, make sure you wear a hoodie"I said.

"lets meet at the train station at 1:40, don't be late"I warned him.

"ok, see ya~"he said.

"see ya"as both of us endded the call

I hope this goes fine...


I was waiting for atsushi I was wearing a dark blue hoddie with jeans and I finally saw a fimillar lavender head.

"domo, (n/n)-chin~"he said and i waved at him.

(you can imagine his disguise, as long as he wears a hoddieXD A/N)

"both of them are not here yet"I said as I looked around and finally saw (bf/n) and I panicked and grab atsushi and blend in the crowd I was having a hard time letting atsushi blend with the crowd but it still worked, I saw (bf/n) waiting for himuro.

"atsushi put your head down"I said as he bent down and both of us looked at the pair as they began to walk and we began to follow them, they stop at a crepe shop buying some crepes and atsushi poke me.

"what?"I ask and he pouted cutely.

"I want some too"he said like a kid and whine and I rolled my eyes as I saw both of them sat on a bench eating there crepe as I pulled atsushi to the crepe shop and buys some for us too.

"thank you, (n/n)-chin~"he said as he devour the crepe I did the same too cause it was good, both (bf/n) and himuro walked again somewhere and we followed them as I felt atsushi held my hand and I raise a brow at him and he smiled.

"might aswell act like a couple too"he smiled and I sighed blushing and I held his hand thighter as we followed them, as I saw (bf/n) trip and I slap my forehead, really?!

"I hope (bf/n)-chin is ok"atsushi said and I nodded in agreement but when I looked at them again, there were no where to be seen.

"where are the-"I was cutted after atsushi pushed me to a near wall trapping me in his arms and and bent down to my face and I blushed.

"atsushi-kun, what are yo-"as atsushi cutted me.

"stay slient"he said as I slightly looked at the back and saw (bf/n) and himuro walk past, how did they get there though!!?? As I looked at atsushi he just stared at me and I blushed.

"(n/n)-chin~ is so cute when she blush~"he said bending down to my ear.

"don't get notice there just besides us"he whispered as I looked at my side and saw the both of them talking they didn't really notice us since atsushi blocked our faces with the back of his head and he began to trial kisses on my neck.

Thats Why I Love You {Atsushi Murasakibara x reader} (slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now