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I woke up,  and as usual i was preparing for school,  i didn't bother to to tie my hair, i went down stairs and just ate peanut butter and jelly sandwich, lucky me i already cook my lunch lastnight, so i just warm it up.

I was going out of the house, and began to walk to school,  and saw (bf/n) waving at me.

"morning, (y/n)!"she said energeticly.

"morning"i said blankly, and raise my hand.

"gezzzz (y/n), you should try being energetic sometimes"she said as we began walking to school.

"and you should try not being energetic somethimes, aswell"i said as a smirk creep in my mouth.

She just pouted and stick a tongue at me playfully, what do you know, we were already at the school,  so we went to our room and took a seat,  waiting for the bell to ring, I read a book, (book that you like), i yawn,  and (bf/n) just giggled, then finally the bell  rang, the teacher went in and began to call out our names,  then someone open the door again,  it was the tall guy again,  as he carried his chips.

"this is the last warning, murasikibara"the teacher said as he pointed to where mu--murs---muraii, the purple haired guy sit, as command to sit down, he nodded and took a seat.

Time skip to lunch.

"so....what's your lunch (y/n)??"as she spin her chair to face me.

"Chicken Basquaise"i said as i got my lunch box,  and saw my friends eyes sparkling.

"i know you want some,and i know its your favorite, so you can have some"as i open my lunch, and she immediately took one and ate some, she was crying tears of joy??.

"(y/n), noone ever beats your cooking"as she began to munch on her food then mine, i just smiled a little and began to ate my lunch aswell before she eats it all.

"I'm stuff"my friend said, as she sigh in relief.

"hello, chibi-chin~"as a familiar voice called out to me, it was that muriii-murkki,  titian again.

"domo"i said, as he took a chair and seat in the center of the table as he face both of us.

"murasikibara-kun, i like you to meet (y/n), (y/n) this is murasikibara-kun, and i am (bf/n) (bf/l/n)"my friend said as she happily introduced us.

"muriii-mur"as i tried to pronounce it but failed.

He just chuckled, and my friend sweatdrop.

"we should really practice that (y/n)"my friend said giggling.

"ce n'est pas de ma faute c'est difficile à prononcer (it's not my fault it's hard to pronounce)"i spoke in french, as i murmured it,  and i guess (bf/f) heard it, cause she giggled.

"is my name that hard to pronounce?, and is it that long? "he said as there was suddenly a pack of chips in his hand, and he started to eat it.

"forgive, (y/n), murasikibara-kun,  she isn't really from here"she said.

"really?, here taste Japanese chips, there great"as he hand me a chip, I accept it and ate it,  it was good.

"ehhhh can i have one? "my friend said exitedly.

"no,  only (y/n)-chin~can have some, cause she save me from hunger"as he defend his chip from (bf/n), i sigh.

Then the bell ring...

Time skip in the end of school.

I put my textbook back in my bag,  and then someone already drag me, and you guess it, it was (bf/n), she was dragging me to the gym.

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