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Like the usaul days, waking up sun Shining through my window, I did my daily routines and finally went out, I was walking until I was greeted by my bestfriend that hugged me from behide.

"morning"she smiled and I sighed in annoyance, why does she always hug me...

"morning"I told her as both of us began to walked to school, she just kept talking that she couldn't believe that her and himuro are a couple now, but I had a feeling in my gut that doesn't feel right, but I ignored it, we went inside our room and sat on our usual places until a group of girls called out to (bf/n), I think there were second years?, (bf/n) went out with them but after a couple of seconds she went back inside.

"what did they say?"I ask as she sat on her chair and smiled, but I can see right through that something is wrong.

"nothing really, they just told me to meet at the bathroom, they said they wanted to talk"she smiled and I put my chin on my palms and shrugged, something is up, I know it....

After the second to the last sudject I excuse myself from the teacher, i went to the girls bathroom, I went in the stall  and waited for them to arive, I'm like a spy or somethingXD.

I waited  for them with patience until i heard the door open.

Second pov

(bf/n) was following a group of sassy girls, she didn't know what to do but follow, they open the door making your bestfriend go inside first and they trailed behide and closed the door as the three girls glare at (bf/n) making her feel cautious.

"I heard about the news"girl1 told (bf/n) as her friends looked at (bf/n) with disgust.

"what about the news?"(bf/n) questioned, as girl 2 rolled her eyes.

"don't play Dumb, aren't you the first year that is dating himuro-kun"girl2 glared at (bf/n), you on the other hand was listening to the conversation.

"if I were you, you better break up with him if you don't want any trouble"girl3 growled at your bestfriend, making (bf/n) Scared, she didn't want to break up with himuro, snice he was the love of her life.


"what did you say?"girl1 said as your bestfriend straighten her figure, looking up to them with pure determination.

"i said no!"you bestfriend shouted, you were in the smiling Stupidly since you were proud of (bf/n), as girl2 'tch'

"you really want the hard way, don't ya" girl1 glared at her, as she got a pair of scissors form her pocket, making (bf/n) jump.

"what would himuro-kun think if you went bald"girl1 smirked as (bf/n) looked shocked.

"why would himuro-kun want you anyways, I bet he is only using you to fulfil his needs"girl2 smirked mischeviously, making (bf/n) Thoughts crawling around her mind, until you had enough..

"and why would himuro-san, waste his time to you three idiots?"you told them as you went out of the stall, as (bf/n) looked at you with relife.

"who the hell are you?, if you don't want trouble scram"girl3 said and you rolled your eyes and death glared them.

"you scarm"

They flinch as suddenly girl2 charge at you trying to punch your face but you only move out of the way, and put your foot in front making her trip.

Girl3 charge at you aswell but you only move out of the way Slightly push your elbow on her back making her trip as well.

"don't move!"girl1 shouted as your eyes widen, when you saw the girl putting the scissor on (bf/n) throat.

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