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I just makining this for funXD, lolol

Warning:this is short so sorry about that-.-...

I'll make it up on the next chapter, cause I'm really busy at school...peace out👋


I was laying in bed as I yawned, I'm my tummy growls and I stood up and went down stairs and got a chocolate bar i layed on my sofa, until I was disturbed by my phone ringing.

"hello?" I ask eating the chocolate bar in my hands.

"(n/n)-chin~ domo~"atsushi told me like a kid.

"atsushi-kun?, why did you call me?"I ask as I layed lazily at my couch.

"I called cause I want you too come with me, kuro-chin invited me to a party I want you too come"he said
, and I raise a brow.

"it might be a burden, I wasn't invited"i told him.

"no, I ask kuro-chin~ if you can come and he said yes"he said like a child and i thought about it.

"please"he ask cutely and I sighed.

"since I'm invited, I wouldn't mind"I told him and he cheered.

"I'll pick you up, at 3 pm"he ended the call and I looked at the time it was still 1 pm.


In the end I only wore something comfortable

I sat on my couch waiting for atsushi as I ate my 5th chocolate bar as someone rang the door bell, I stood up and open it and saw atsushi

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I sat on my couch waiting for atsushi as I ate my 5th chocolate bar as someone rang the door bell, I stood up and open it and saw atsushi.

I sat on my couch waiting for atsushi as I ate my 5th chocolate bar as someone rang the door bell, I stood up and open it and saw atsushi

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He was cute in his attire and he smiled as he had a plastic bag of snack on his hand.

"ready to go"he smiled and I nodded as I chomp on my chocolate bar and went to lock my door, I was about to bite my chocolate bar again but it was missing. As I looked at atsushi he had the platic wrapper on his hands and I pouted.

"that was mine~"I whine as I looked away pouting kinda angry.

"sorry, it was to delicious to be ignored"he said cutely as he throwed the warper away and I crossed my arms as I followed atsushi from the back, as he slowed down and went by my side.

"are you still angry at me?"atsushi put his arm over me and pulled me closer but I looked away.

"yea, it was mine"I told him as I heard him sighed as I felt something poke on my cheek and as I turn my gaze to it and it was a chocolate bar.

"here"atsushi said as I accept it and ate it.

"thank you atsushi-kun"I smiled and I saw him blushed a little and smiled.

"your welcome, (n/n)-chin~"he bent down and kissed my cheek, then I saw him poute all of the sudden.

"what?"I ask.

"wheres my thank you kiss?"he said and I chuckled and peck on his cheeks.

"happy?"I ask and he still pouted.

"I want lips~(n/n)-chin~"he whine.

"I'll think about it"I tease him as I ate my chocolate bar as he stopped and lets go of me and I rasie a brow and looked at my boyfriend as he sat on the ground holding his kness pouting was he Sniffling??, was he crying??!!

"(n/n)-chin, doesn't love me anymore!"he cryed and I panicked and as I bent to him.

"no, don't cry, I love you ok?"I told him in a panic, as he looked at me and pulled me in his arms.

"then kissed me "he smirk, did he trick me??!! As I was in his arms my face was the same level as his chest as he looked down at me our faces was inches away.

"why?"I teased again until he pouted.

"I Thought you love me"he pouted like a child he was teary too, I laughed and kissed him on the lips and atsushi jumped but kissed back but I immediately pulled away.

"ok, done"I told him as I stood up and he pouted again and stood up as he held my hand.

"let's go?, stop pouting already"I laughed a little and he held my hand tighter and pouted again.

"But (n/n)-chin kept teasing me~"he whine and I laughed as interwine our fingers.

"sorry about that"I smiled and he smiled as well,  he grab my chocolate bar on my other hand and ate it.

"atsushi!"I glared at him as he grin.

"I love you (n/n)-chin~"he said and I rolled my eyes and sigh in annoyance.

"I want to say 'I hate you too' so bad, but I love you too"I told and he smiled.

"I knew you would say that~"he tease as i stick out my tongue.

Extended~• second pov

"WHY DOES HE HAS A CUTE GIRLFRIEND!!"kise shouted shocked, as your boyfriend atsushi just kept pulling you close, you were between atsushi's legs as he hugged you from behinde, you only had a blank expression the whole timeXD, and you sighed, on how you finally notice that.

His teamates before and him of crouse.

Looks like skittles, which made you Crave for skittle all of the sudden.XD


I just want to thank you guys that kept reading this story that i have made, even if its not goodXD, OH and sorry again for this short chapter.


I'll leave this hereXD

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I'll leave this hereXD.

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