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"i hate this"you groaned in annoyance while your nice best friend just giggled at your reaction, you were wearing the swimsuit she forced you in, while you glared at her.

"now now,  don't be so aggressive"(bf/n) told your annoyed figure, it was finally the day you would need to show off your swimsuit, which your friend Forced you in,  and you had no other choice, since if you would change she would pounce on you again.

"damn,  such a great weather to swim! Are you excited, (y/n)? Cause i am! "(bf/n) said excitedly and couldn't wait to swim around the pool, dragging you along with her, you almost forgot about the tall titan,  you guys need to drag along.

"wait,  what about,  atshushi-kun"you told (bf/n), as she froze in spot and turned around nad looked at you,  you knew,  she completely forgotten about the food loving gaint.

"ohhh yeahh!!!, let's go look for him, i texted him yesterday, that we would meet around this area"your best friend said happily, while you just sighed and nodded following her,  you even question how it was taking to long to find a gaint figure, since you couldn't see where atshushi is.

"wait is that him?? "(bf/n) question, both of you looked at the really tall figure with his purple swimming trunks that matches his hair, that was tied in a small ponytail, as three girls went to the handsome male, making your eyes widen, since damn,  atshushi be packing, well it wasn't a surprise snice he plays basketball.

"what should we do (y/n)??, snipe the thots????? "(bf/n) asked you,  pretending to hold a sniper or something, while you sweatdropped.

"isn't it kinda rude to say their thots? What if their just asking for directions???"you told your best friend that swayed her head in disappointment, pulling you closer to her as both your cheeks was smush together making you facepalm.

"look at them"(bf/n) said while you looked at the girls confused.

"I'm looking"

"what do you see??? "your best friend asked you while you concentrated trying to find something that caught (bf/n) attention.

"their talking-"

"not just talking! Look! "(bf/n) pointed while you sighed and put her pointing hand back down.

"it's rude to poin-"

"look at their eyes! Look how their talking to him,  you can clearly see their into your purple dumpling!"(bf/n) said making you pull away and looked at her weirdly.

"purple dumpling?? "

"yes! Your purple dumplin-"

"(bf/n), I don't call,  atshushi-kun,  purple dumpling"you facepalm, while your best friend sighed and smush your cheeks together again,  as you sighed in defeat.

"we need a plan,  to make them know that your purple baby dumpling is taken"(bf/n) said while you faceplam since she added a baby word now??

"damn! I'm such an idiot! I already know! "(bf/n) said as you looked at her confused, she pullwd away from you and put her thumb and index to her mouth and whistled loudly as you facepalm, since everyones attention went to you girls.

"murashikibara-kun,  look! "(bf/n) pulled you infront of her making you blushed, when your boyfriend looked at you astonished, and walked away from the girls to you guys,  you blushed sinc ehe was looking at you so intensly which was pretty embarrassing, the purple gaint was finally infront of you guys,  as you could clearly see his blush.

"(n/n)-chin... Look so cute"atshushi mumbled as he crouch down,  making you blush,  when he hugged you from your waist and snuggled on to you, you thought it was sweet and all,  but everyone was looking at you guys.

"atshushi-kun,  please stand up"you laughed nervously, as you boyfriend luckly listened to you,  while (bf/n) was still proudly standing their,  you pulled them both away from tbe crowd since everyone was just staring at you guys.

"what's your opinion, about my swimsuit, murashikibara-kun,  cute isn't it"your best friend twirled as atshushi just looked at her with no interest at all.

"its fine"

"WHAT DO YOU ME-"you covered your best friend's mouth before she dragged everyone's attention again,  you let go when she finally clam down while she pouted looking away.

"how about we just go in the water now-"you were cut when (bf/n) pushed you in the water,  as you facepalmed, as you felt the cold water hit you.

"(n/n)-chin!"atshushi said and jumped in to save you,  even though the water was perfect for you height,  as he carried you like the monkey from simba.

"HHAHAHAH, THAT'S SO CUTE! "(bf/n) made fun of you,  as you just faceplamed while atshushi just looked at you confused,  he placed you back down on the water, your shoulders were above the water while atshushi was barely even in.

"murashikibara-kun, I think you should go to a much suited pool for your height"(bf/n) swimed around you guys like a shark,  while atshushi pouted and crouch down, the pool so his shoulders were the only one showing.

"no! I wanna be with (n/n)-chin"atshushi whined as you sighed, and patted atshushi in teh head making you gaint boyfriend look at you.

"if you want atshuhi-kun,  after this, let's head to a much deeper pool"you suggested  as atshushi looked at you happily and nodded as he hugged your waist happily as you blushed a little.

"(n/n)-chin is so cute! I don't care as long as your with me"atshushi told you making you giggle a little, while your best friend pouted kinda jealous actually, so she splash you both with water.

"i am superior-ah! "your best friend couldn't finaihed as you jumped at her while atshushi jusy looked at you girls,  mostly at you happily since you were so cute.

"I'm drowning you"you told you best friend that tried to push you away for dear life.



HEY GUYSS!  Don't worry I'm alive brain still working,  i can't update frequently due to my assignments and test,  and projects, given by the teachers with no mercy at all, so i tried ro make the new chapter as fast as possible.

I'm realky happy when i see people commenting about the story telling me that thry liked it,  I'm really glad! I tried to respond as frequently aswell,  since I would like to thank your patience and I'm greatful

Their are a lot of grammar erros and spelling in some chapters, and I thank for the people correcting it,  but sooner of later if the story is finished I will re-read and fix the erros so don't worry.


(And as always the picture for last,  if you haven't read or watched jujutsu no kaisen,  I recommend it 💖)

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(And as always the picture for last,  if you haven't read or watched jujutsu no kaisen,  I recommend it 💖)

Thats Why I Love You {Atsushi Murasakibara x reader} (slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now