Part 1, Pages 1 - 22

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    Dusk. The sun, projecting it's rapturous rays of gold, settled behind the trees, sinking, lazily, further and further down. The city, atop the rolling hills, seemed to glow as well, bathing in the weak light. 

    "READY OR NOT, HUMAN! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AM SEEKING YOU!" a voice shouted from nearby. The sound of a small being making its way to avoid the other being by the name of Papyrus, could be heard soon after. A giggle arose from the tall grass. Suddenly, the giggling child, Frisk, emerged from the cover of the grass, the excitement fading. The girl stepped out, looking for a place to hide. As she looked throughout the lush, green scene, Papyrus yelled once more, 

    "WOWIE, YOU SURE ARE FAST HUMAN, BUT HAVE NO FEAR, I WILL NOT BE DETERRED BY YOUR SPEED!" Frisk jumped in surprise at the loud noise that threatened her location. "I AM SIMPLY, DRAWING OUT THE CHASE... " The monster sputtered, coughing. "TO WEAR YOU OUT!" He finished. Frantically, the child darted about, still searching for the perfect hiding place. A small bush caught her eye, and a smirk spread across her small face. Frisk darted over to the bush in a split second, never looking back. 

    "YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER!" The skeleton called out. Crouching down, the small girl eased herself to the ground, smiling and laughing at the skeleton's misfortune. "WHY IS THERE SO MUCH GREENERY!? NYEH!" Papyrus panted through his jaw that hung loose from his skull. "Nyeh heh, wowie..." he paused. The lanky skeleton stopped to think for only a moment, ruling out all the possibilities. "This game is a lot harder than it sounds. I'm not even sure where to seek... Maybe Frisk did not even come in this direction, what if she has gone off somewhere and I can't find her? What if she got lost?" Papyrus was slowly starting to get into a tizzy. "LADY TORIEL IS GOING TO KILL ME!" He wailed. "THIS IS TERRIBLE!"

    Papyrus's cries faded into the background as Frisk's focus shifted towards the blue light emerging from thin air. The light seemed to have a shape and density, and was growing and intensifying by the millisecond. 

    "Hey ki-" Frisk shrieked with surprise. Arms flailing, she jumped backwards only to see Sans had suddenly appeared. Wheezing, Frisk soon realized he had used a "shortcut" by teleporting. They both sat in shock, gathering themselves and wits about them. "Dang," Sans said, breaking the silence. He held his hand over his sternum, and his eye and chest seemed to emit a soft light that was fading into the skeleton. He panted softly, still alert. "That was rattling." Sans joked. Frisk gave him an unimpressed look.

    "AHAH!" Papyrus hollered. "There you are Frisk! You had me so worried! I have found you both!" Papyrus beamed. "And I did not even know you were playing brother!" He said gathering Frisk and Sans up in his arms. 

    "I wasn't." Sans clarified, smiling. "But, tibia honest, it was pretty humerus the way the kid jumped outta their skin." Sans said winking. Frisk looked up with a smile towards Papyrus, awaiting his reaction. "Right, pap?" he pressed. Papyrus, unamused, wore a scowl that was unfitting and was contrary to his usual smile. Swiftly, Papyrus flung out the arm from under Sans that held him, dropping the short comedian. "Oof!" Sans whined. 

    "PLEASE SANS, NO PUNS! IT'S TOO LATE IN THE DAY FOR IT." Papyrus roared, irritated. Frisk jumped at his sudden urgency and power in his voice. "Alright, alright." the brother said, surrendering. Sans's face straightaway fell to a uneasy look.

    "But seriously-" He began. 

    "YOU? SERIOUS?" Papyrus accused. 

    "Tori sent me to come and get you guys. The meeting's about to start." Sans finished. 

    "Oh." Papyrus murmured, looking down at Frisk. They both traded anxious looks. "You mean, with the human from the city?" The skeleton asked. 

    "Yeah bro. They're waiting for us actually." The smaller skeleton confirmed. The child and skeleton paused, thinking about what exactly to do. Frisk glanced away towards the ground, avoiding eye contact with Papyrus. "Then I guess we should join them." he said solemnly, setting Frisk back down. "It'd be a good idea." Sans replied.

    Frisk and Papyrus joined hands, walking away. Sans looked back to see the girl sticking her hand out towards him, fingers spread, palm on top and open, smiling up at him. His pupils floated down towards her hand, then back up at her face, then back down towards her hand. Submitting to her innocence, the skeleton took her soft hand in his rough hand. Frisk perked up immediately, happy that he took her hand. 

    "Heh." Sans chuckled. "You really are something kid." Sans admired as all three, Frisk, Sans and Papyrus, Frisk in between the brothers, walked into the setting sun towards their camp.

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