Behind The Scenes of Writing FurtherDown

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Intro: This is a little something I wanted to just to give all my readers a lil inside look on what it takes and what it took for me to write something like this. Enjoy.

Chapter One:

So, chapter one was a bit short if you didn't already notice. That was because the first twenty-two pages weren't as exciting as some of the others were.

Chapter Five:

When Frisk was hugging Sans and crying into by the campfire right after Alphys left, and Sans mentions that he lost control of his temper against Tensom to Frisk, I wanted him to mention that he did it for the sake of a RESET. But I also wanted to hint on afterward that he lied and did it not just for the prevention of a RESET, but because he couldn't stand the thought of Frisk going to an orphanage. He knew how happy she was with the monsters, and something inside of him clicked when Tensom pulled her away, so he stopped him to keep her with them. But of course, he doesn't have the built up courage and/or trust to admit that to her in that part of the story.

Chapter Fourteen:

So originally I was gonna have Frisk just be taken away from Sans and have a longer scene. Basically, Sans wouldn't get shot by the dart and he would use more of his magic to save Frisk and Frisk would become more rebellious by actually fighting the police. I decided against it because number one, that would be too long of a scene, and number two, it would be a bit out of character for them. Only slightly.

Chapter Fifteen/Sixteen:

So these chapters were the most unique and the most altered chapters of the whole story. They were also the most controversial for me because I couldn't decide on what to do for the climax. My original idea was to have Sans actually go into the city after Frisk, not Frisk break out. The whole scenes were gonna have Sans sneaking through the city, hiding from and dodging humans in the shadows until he reached the orphanage she was staying at. Meanwhile, Frisk would have already had a plan of her own to break out with the help of six other children, and yes, it was gonna be a reference to fighting Asriel Dremurr/Omega Flowey with the human souls. But anyway, Sans sneaks into the building through a freaking vent and meets up with Frisk while she's escaping. Then, Sans would eventually be faced with the decision of bringing just Frisk home with him or bringing Frisk AND the six children home with him. Of course, for further drama, he would bring all seven of them back to camp. Then, Tensom would come to find him and so forth, blah blah blah, we get it. Same ending, just different circumstances.

Another thing I was gonna add in was a deep convo between Alphys and Sans about the lab or whatever. I was gonna have a deep convo between Sans and Alphys and between Sans and Papyrus, but as you can tell, I ended up cutting out the Alphys/Sans convo because it just wasn't meaty enough to make much less the fact that it wasn't an important detail.

Another lost scene between Sans and Frisk was gonna be about the whole fathering thing and it was gonna take place by the side of his tent. The scene mainly consisted of Frisk waking up from inside the tent from a bad dream and going to wake Sans who was sleeping outside of the tent for some great reason. She would snuggle up next to him and they would just talk about how life is grand but unknown, and then eventually they would talk about their relationship. But yeah, a really sweet and calm scene overall, very fluffy, very chill vibes. The scenes in Chapter 16 and the fourth interlude obviously replaced that small scene.

There was also one last scene that I briefly thought about adding in, but I didn't. In a nutshell, Sans would be helping Alphys rig and build those insulin dispensers for the formula. Frisk would be sent by Papyrus to call Sans for dinner so she would, of course, go to Alphys' tent where the two were working. But before she can even reach the tent, some angry monster jumps her in a blunder of rage and frustration. This particular monster blames Frisk for their misfortune and wants to take her back to the orphanage so they don't get into trouble with Ebbott City. Before the monster can finish her off though, Sans catches him and stands up for Frisk, keeping the monster away from her until someone like Undyne or Papyrus can take over for him so he can take Frisk to Alphys. Basically, Frisk is beat to a pulp and just takes it because she doesn't blame the monster for his rage and Sans takes a good beating as well, almost dying in the process of protecting her. Again, another super unnecessary and intense scene.

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