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   In her small bedroom, Frisk sat at her desk off to the side of her bed hunched over a couple of written papers. She set down her pen and picked up the papers on her desk and began to read them silently to herself.

   Dear Mom and Dad,

   Hey, it's me, your daughter, Francis. How's it been going? Me? Well, I don't know if you've seen the news recently, but I think it's been going pretty well for me. I've found my true father and forever family, not saying that they'll ever replace you, just saying that they've been, you know, taking better care of me let's just say. My new adopted father, Sans, has been really great to me. He makes sure I'm safe and happy, he makes me feel like I belong, like I'm meant to fit into his arms. He's always worried about me, in a good way of course, and he always makes me smile. Sans has been truly something to me, and I don't know what my life would be like without him and his smile. My uncle Papyrus has been trying really hard to be the best supporting uncle he can be. He takes care of me as well, from buying me clothes, to making my lunches for school, to taking me to school and coming to all of my school programs. He even tries helping me with my homework, even if he doesn't fully understand it. I keep telling him that he's doing a great job, but he always responds with 'I'll never be as amazing and multi-talented as your papabones'. Toriel is kind of like my adopted mom in a way, but it's not official. I still call her my mom though. She's there to fill the shoes of you, mom, though her feet will never be big enough to fit into your shoes. She's really great though too, she feeds me, cleans me, and teaches me. She's everything I could've asked for. All the other monsters are great too, but not as great as the ones I just listed off. Anyway, I'm also now the human and monster ambassador, so that's pretty cool I guess. Sans is the co-monster ambassador since I'm not all that great at this 'ambassador business' and because I'm technically not old enough to be an ambassador. At least that's what Sans and Mr.Tensom say. Oh, Mr. Tensom is the co-human ambassador as well. He actually helped us merge the monsters into the city, so we have a lot of respect for him. School has been going good so far, I'm keeping up with all of my work, and the teachers say that I'm a really quick learner. Sans is even helping me with my science project in his spare time. He teaches quantum physics at Continua University, isn't that crazy? Yeah, he's super smart and he gets rewarded a lot for it if you know what I mean. So, how are you? I haven't seen you guys in a while, but I would love to see you again, just to say hi, you know? I wonder how Beau is doing, I haven't seen him in a while either. Grandpa too, we should have a little family reunion. I kinda miss everybody, I just wanna see them one last time. I heard that Beau is all the way up in Jackson, I've been meaning to get a hold of him, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Well, anyway, I guess I've run out of things to talk about, so I guess I'll end it here. If you're wondering why I wrote you this letter, it's not because I want to rub my success in your faces, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still your daughter, and I'm well and in good health. Look, if you don't wanna do the whole 'family reunion' thing, that's fine, just at least consider seeing me, okay? Thanks for reading this if you did, I love you, and I hope to see you soon.

Sincerely, your long lost daughter,

Francis Sonder

   Frisk sat back in her chair and sighed. Good enough, she thought. She rose from her seat and walked out into the hallway into the living room where her father sat, reading a piece of paper with a frown on his face. Scattered across the coffee table were many papers and opened envelopes along with a pair of reading glasses and a calculator. Frisk plopped down next to him, leaning into his shoulder. Sans flinched, bringing his hand to his forehead and rubbing his brow line with his fingers, scrunching his eye sockets closed.

   "Whatcha doing?" Frisk asked, resting her chin on his shoulder. Sans glanced at her from the side, smiled and threw the paper onto the table, falling to the back of the couch. He sighed, smiling sarcastically.

   "Taxes." Frisk scrunched up her nose with pretend disgust but smiled and handed him the letters. Sans looked down at them, confused.

   "Tell me what you think," Frisk said, nudging the papers towards him again. Sans furrowed his 'eyebrows' together and shot her a puzzled look before taking the papers into his rough hands and reading them. After a couple minutes, he looked back up at her and handed back the papers to her.

   "So, whaddya think?" Frisk smiled. Sans smiled back comfortingly.

   "It's good. Simple, quick, and it doesn't get too intimate. I like it. If this is what you want too, then I'll be happy to help you with it. Just say the words and I'll organize something for ya."

   "Really? You would do that for me? Just like that?" Frisk cocked her head.

   "Of course, I think it's important that you get that interaction with your family, it might be good for you." Sans smiled. Frisk laughed softly, looking over the letters.

   "Thanks, Papa. For everything." Frisk murmured.

   "Of course, sweetheart," Sans whispered, brushing a wisp of hair behind Frisk's ear. Frisk snuggled up next to Sans, sighing. Sans pulled her close to his side, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

   "Anything for you."

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