Chapter 10 - Pages 186-223

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The cold rain pelted the two friends as they were interlocked into a tight hug. Sans was beaming into Frisk; Frisk beaming right back into him. "T-That was it, huh? That was the last one? You brought me all the way up here, to show me that you were willing t-to give up, the last opportunity to R-RESET? Just for my sake? Kid, I- I don't even no where to begin, I just-" Sans paused, and sighed, his voice wavering. Frisk giggled softly under her breath without Sans hearing her. "I love you, Sans." "Heh, heheh. I, I love ya too, kid." Lighting coruscated the sky, thunder running after the lighting afterwards, rattling the Earth again. Sans jumped again, whimpering a bit under his breath.

"We should probably head back to the others, huh?" Sans began to rub his eyesockets with his palm, wiping his tears away, "Heh, it'd be a crying shame to be spending anymore time alone up here in the rain." "Hee hee," Frisk sniveled. Rising up to his feet, Sans looked over at Frisk with a grimace on his face, winking. "Oh ho ho, you like that, huh? Well, I assure you, this has been an en- lightning experience, but I think it's time to bolt." Sans chuckled, bending down to help Frisk up who was giggling uncontrollably now. Taking time to breathe, Frisk looked up into Sans's eysockets. "And, Frisk?" Sans asked slowly. "Yeah?" Frisk smiled. "Thanks, it means more than I can express to ya." Sans's smile, grew a bit wider; Frisk could tell that it was a true grin. "Now, let's get outta here kiddo. I'm sure we're already on Toriel's "find-and-lecture" list." Sans joked, Frisk's hand in his.

"-And frankly, I don't know what I'm gonna tell h- Huh? Oh, uh, not done yet?" Sans turned his head to look at Frisk, who held a terrified look on her face. "Frisk, what's up?" Frisk felt something coiling and crawling up her foot and ankle, wrapping itself around her leg tighter and tighter. She was paralyzed from her fear, her eyes, wide, and full of dismay as Frisk started to quiver and shudder. "Kiddo?" Sans let go of Frisk's hand. "Kid?" Sans wasn't taking any hints from Frisk and he seemed rather relaxed, until...

"Howdy!" A familiar voice screeched; Sans jolted, eyes flickering straight to the ground. "Long time no see, right Trashbag?" Flowey cackled, a wide grin spread across his face. Sans cautiously turned around to face the two, Flowey's vine slithered further and further up and around Frisk's leg, in response, her face became more and more contorted with fear, as she winced. There was an elongated silence between the trio, the soft patter of sprinkling rain filling it momentarily. "This is where you're supposed to make some smarty-pants rema-" "Let go of the kid." "Ah, okay then, not quite what I meant, but it'll do! And why should I let go of her? Am I making you, nervous?" Flowey winked playfully. "Listen, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once. I don't want any of your trouble. Frisk told me that you've changed. She told me that after the whole 'taking everybody's souls' fiasco, you finally came clean and reformed. She said you even argued on our half for the RESETS to stop."

Sans glared down at Flowey intensely, sizing him up. Flowey's grin seemed to grow bigger. "Oh, did she now?" Frisk felt a chill run up her spine. "Yeah, she did. So, thanks, but that doesn't mean I trust you. I've got a lot of pretty bad nightmare fuel to deal with thanks to you, and it's gonna take a lot more than a few kind words to win me over. So until then, let go of the kid." Sans warned in a low voice. Flowey raised a vine to his chin, motioning that he was thinking. "Hmmm, nah, I don't think so! You've got a lot of nerve, you know, for a guy without a nervous system." Flowey giggled. Sans could feel his soul jittering with anticipation and adrenaline. "I should have known that you couldn't be trusted! Even deep down, after everything that's happened, you're still an evil, soulless, demon!" Sans voice shook with anger as he clenched his hands into fists, left eye flickering. Flowey bursted into an uncontrollable laughter, throwing his head back in his chuckles. Finally calming down enough to speak, Flowey returned to the conversation.

"Well, you're partially right, Sans." "What are you talking about...?" "Haven't you ever heard the saying, 'don't judge a book by it's cover'? It means not to make assumptions about people by only looking at their outward appearance. It's often a grave mistake. As the Judge, I would've thought that you of all people would have known that special little rule." Sans loosened up, confused as his blue eye diminished. "What are you trying to say?" Flowey grinned. "Frisk knows. Go ahead, Frisk. Why don't you enlighten our little Judge, huh? Tell him what he's not seeing, what he's not feeling." Flowey grimaced as he slithered around Frisk's leg once more. Sans was still, silent, as he looked up into Frisk's terrified eyes. "What, what does he mean, kiddo?" Sans asked slowly. Frisk looked at the ground, shivering, and said something under her breath that was inaudible over the sound of the pattering rain. "Oh, come on, you need to be a little louder than that! He can't understand you when you're mumbling!" Flowey snapped, making Frisk shudder with fear. Frisk attempted to speak again. "LOUDER!" Flowey's voice descended into a demonic tone as he shouted. "Flowey lied!" Frisk screamed, penetrating Sans's cool aura.

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