Chapter 15

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   A weak light filtered into the small room, raindrops streamed down the glass of the windows, the grey, miserable, sky continued to cry outside. The dreary day mirrored the kind of day Frisk was having: depressing, desperate. Puddles that were scattered about in the grass and parking lot reflected the crying skies above them, the raindrops rippling through them. Frisk awoke, staring at the bed above her. She was laying on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed. She sifted through her thoughts, searching for answers, how did she get here? Where was she? Why was she here? Suddenly, all at once, she remembered Sans and Mr. Tensom. She shot up from her relaxed lying position into an attentive sitting position. She hugged herself as she peered around the room nervously. Anxiety pulled on her heart, closing up her throat. Frisk always had social anxiety as a child, and now, these were times where it truly got to her head. She remembered when she first fell into the Underground, in the first, original, run, meeting Toriel. Of course, she was a bit intimidated by a tall, mysterious, goat-lady that could burn her to a crisp if she wanted to, but eventually fell in love with her. Her kind, patient, personality made Frisk feel safe and protected. She remembered the same feeling occurred when she met Sans. Though he wasn't as intimidating as Toriel, and he seemed more friendly with his comical grin and comfortable hoodie, he still gave Frisk a sour aftertaste as she walked away from him. Eventually, she figured out why on their first 'date', but yet again, he turned out to be a sweetheart as well, like Toriel.

   Frisk's reminiscing was interrupted by the faint sound of footsteps seemingly approaching her door. She flinched, watching the door intently. The doorknob slowly turned, opening the door. A girl with long, wavy, brown, hair poked her head into the room, revealing her face as she looked around. She had green eyes, a rounded face, plush, rosy cheeks, and almost transparent freckles sprinkling her cheeks. She looked obviously older than Frisk, about three years older than Frisk since she was eight years old. Her eyes crossed over Frisk, and stayed there, studying Frisk's features.

   "Oh, you must be the new girl. Hi, I'm Sheila." Sheila stepped in entirely and shut the door behind her. She floated over to Frisk and stuck her hand out to shake it. Frisk looked down at it, her eyes watering at the thought of Sans, but she blinked them away, not wanting to cry in front of a total stranger. She took Sheila's hand and shook it firmly, pulling away slowly.

   "Wow, you have a strong handshake, a bit surprising for someone your size. No offense!"

   "None taken," Frisk said quietly, glancing away. Sheila cocked her head and sat down next to Frisk.

   "Are you okay?" Frisk looked at Sheila from the corner of her eye, then looked down at her hands that were clasped together in her lap.

   "Hey, it's gonna be okay, you'll find a new family." Sheila lifted her hand towards Frisk but quickly pulled it back after Frisk spoke.

   "I don't want a new family, I want the family I have, the family they took me away from."

   "Look, I know it's hard right now, but you'll get over it, I promise. We'll-"

   "I'm not going to get over it, I had a family, and they stole me away from him, from them. It's not fair." Sheila flinched, putting a couple inches between herself and Frisk afterward. She looked helplessly down at Frisk, watching as tears pooled in her sad, brown, eyes. Tentatively, Sheila tried again and placed her hand on Frisk's shoulder.

   "Don't worry, you'll find them and get them back. I promise."

   "Nnnyeh!" Papyrus pushed himself up onto the ledge with finality, flopping down onto his stomach and pulling the rest of his body onto the ledge with his arms.

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