Chapter 2, Pages 23-40

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     As the three walked in the now shadows of night, a light banter between the two brothers could be heard as it echoed through the air. 

     "I do not understand why the human from the city always comes at night." Papyrus wondered aloud. 

    "Sure gets dark awful fast up here," Sans observed. 

    "Wouldn't it be better during the day?"  

    "We could ask. Maybe he can shed some light on the subject." 

    "SANS." Papyrus protested. Sans chuckled, as they approached a cliff overlooking a clearing in which the small monster population had settled.

    "Welp, there it is. Home sweet home. Hopefully, we won't be out here for much longer." Sans muttered. 

    " I have faith that the human from the city will find a way for us to finally move out of these woods." 

    "Of course he will, and maybe I'll finally pay my tab at Grillby's" 

    "Brother, you are not being positive." 

     "Papyrus, we've been stuck out here for two weeks. The humans don't want us. Ever since they realized we were out here, they've been sending their 'representatives' and we're still no closer to being let into the city than we were before." Sans sulked. Frisk stood alone, listening to Sans' pessimistic brooding. Her hands were clasped together, tightly, and her face held a sad look as she closed her eyes. "They're afraid of us or hate us. Take your pick." 

    "Sans, we cannot lose hope." 

    "Whoever says I had it to begin with. I- aw, shoot." Sans paused, realizing what he had done. He looked over to see Frisk, silently weeping and sniffling. "Kid?" Sans placed his frail hand on her shoulder, causing her to open her eyes. 

    "Listen, I'm sorry, I'm not the most cheery of guys, Okay? So don't pay any attention to what I say. Remember, I don't have the determination you have or my bro's positivity." Sans said, pointing back at Papyrus with his thumb. " 'Truth is, I'm scared." ?He finished. 

    "That is okay, brother! There is nothing wrong with being frightened! For I, The Great Papyrus, have enough positivity for both of us!" The skeleton boomed, easing the tension with his never failing, optimism. 

    "Now that I know is true," Sans said, grinning.

    Frisk looked up at Sans with a small grin spreading across her lips as Sans looked back at Papyrus. Frisk quickly rushed over to the small skeleton giving him a hug, clutching him. 

    "Oop!" Sans yelped. As the small girl clung to Sans, he stood there, looking down at her, confused and shocked. He looked behind him at his brother, who said not a word, then looked back down at her. He wrapped his radius and ulna around Frisk's head and nuzzled his skull deep into her hair, whispering. " It'll be okay, we're going to make it through this one Frisk," Sans said into her ear. "Alright, let's get down there, kiddo." He said freeing Frisk from his grasp, ruffling her hair fondly. Frisk wiped her tears away with her sleeves smiling.

    "B-But, Mr. Tensom, I do not understand!" Asgore sputtered, confused. 

    "Why can we not be allowed to go into the city? Have we done something wrong?" Toriel debriefed. 

    "Not particularly," A tall, bald, black, man in a black suit admitted. Toriel, Asgore, Undyne and Mr. Tensom had gathered around a fire that illuminated the space between them with a soft glow. The meeting had already begun without the skelebrothers and Frisk. "Look your 'majesty', people in Ebbott City just aren't ready for your kind yet. And frankly, I doubt they ever will be." Tensom glowered. 

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