Part Three --- Interlude

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(A.N. Okay so I won't be listing "pages" anymore because I'm not following the original story anymore! In Chapter 11, FurtherDown will be branching off into my version of the DeeperDown comic story, so that's why I won't be listing the pages anymore. Again, thank you for reading this, hope you enjoy the rest of the story!) 

Sans landed in New Home before the castle, wheezing and weak. He fell to his knees before the immense building, grasping his chest, trying to catch his breath. Where was Frisk? Where was Flowey? What was happening to him? Sans checked his HP. .89/1. That wasn't good at all. The monster could feel the price of his actions increasing by the minute. "I, I don't think I can do this, Frisk. I'm sorry, you deserve better. Ugh, my head." Sans pressed his phalanges to his temples, rubbing them slightly. "What kind of mess have we gotten into, huh kiddo?" Sans asked himself as he stumbled towards the castle. Walking down the long, shadowed, hallways, Sans admired the many paintings and pieces of art donated by many subjects over the years to the Dreemurr family that hung gallantly on the walls.

Finally reaching the royal kitchen, Sans poked around for any food to spare, anything to help him restore his strength. He opened a couple cabinets, nothing. He opened the pantry doors and walked into the larger than average pantry, scanning for anything again, nothing. But just then, something caught his eye. A can of something. Sans bent down and picked it up, rolling it over to see the label. It was a can of tomato paste. Sans chuckled, smiling a little wider at his find. Searching for a can opener, Sans crossed over a drawer full of knives that were left behind. His mind suddenly rushed to Frisk, and in it's race to the thought of her, Sana felt a bit dizzy. Closing his eyesockets and bowing his head down, Sans fell against the counter. "Ugh, my skull is pounding, I haven't had a headache like this since my time in the lab. Heh, I'm really losing myself, huh? Uff," Sans then stumbled out of the kitchen, leaving the can solo on the counter.

The stout monster staggered into the courtyard, standing alone and weak. He suddenly felt a pulse, a heartbeat, echoing in his chest. Then his mind was rushed to Frisk, and he saw where she hung. Judgement Hall. Snapping his eyesockets open, the vision faded and so did the pulse. "Judgement Hall...? Ugh, out of the entire Underground to choose from, why that place? Oh who am I kidding, of course it's gonna be that place. Welp, guess it's time to put this to an end, right Frisk? I'm gonna get you out of here, don't you worry. Everything's gonna be just fine." Sans said, walking to Judgement Hall with some renewed strength. But even as though he seemed confident, Sans could feel his sins crawling on his back as he broke out into a cold sweat.

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