Chapter 16

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Two weeks later...

"So you're really gonna bust out of here, huh?" Sheila asked from the top bunk.

"Mhm," Frisk said, packing the rest of her clothes into her sack and beginning to stuff some snacks in there as well.

"Wow, that's really gutsy of you. So, do you still need me for your plan or what?" Sheila poked her head over the railings of the top bunk.

"Of course I do. You're the reason this whole thing's gonna work. I need you for this." Frisk smiled. Sheila beamed, blushing.

"Aw, thanks. You make me feel so important." Sheila smiled, rolling over onto the bed again to continue finishing her drawing. Frisk laughed, closing up her bag tightly.

"Do you remember the plan?" Frisk asked, taking a step back and looking up at Sheila who was tuned into her drawing.

"Yeah, yeah, I remember," Frisk scowled.


"What?" Sheila asked, annoyed.

"Do you remember the plan?" Frisk repeated more slowly.

"Yes, I remember the plan, don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. You're a smart kid, it'll work out." Sheila simpered, comforting Frisk. Frisk shook her head and fell back onto her bed.

"Welp, I'm gonna get some sleep. It's gonna be a looong night." Frisk sighed, closing her eyes.

"Since when do you say 'welp'?" Sheila snickered. Frisk smiled softly, thinking of Sans.

"I guess Sans is rubbing off on me," Sheila continued to laugh into her blankets, her laughter dying out soon afterward. Frisk got comfortable, tossing and turning and contorting her body into all the right places. She continued to smile, thinking about seeing Sans again.

"Hm, Sans."

    Sans sat on his legs as he pulled off the formula dispenser from off of the rims of his shorts, beginning to sort through the menus to check his levels. The 'formula dispenser' was really just an insulin dispenser for diabetic humans that Alphys had rigged to dispense the formula for the Surface Sickness she had finally perfected. The tube that would usually be connected to a human's pancreas was hooked up to Sans's soul. Whenever his HP got to be below .85, the tiny machine would dispense some of the formulae into Sans to help him recover. After checking his levels, Sans tucked the device back onto his shorts and settled into bed, making sure to lay on the side the dispenser was opposite to. It had been only two days since Sans had been hooked up to this device, but it felt like it had been there his whole life to Sans. Alphys had perfected the formula over a week ago, but she had been still working on this device when she perfected it. All of the children, elderly and the rest of the monsters, including Sans, had already been treated with her formula, but none of them had the machine that Sans had. At least not yet. Alphys had promised them all a device to disperse the formula automatically into them, but until then, they would have to keep doing it manually, by injecting it into their arms or legs with needles. The monsters, especially the younger ones, felt extremely uncomfortable doing this, but they needed it so badly.

    Sans had promised Alphys that he would help her as much as he could in finding and rigging the devices, which she was very happy about. Sans smiled a bit as he thought about it. Soon, Sans drifted off to sleep under his blankets. But it wasn't long before something woke him up late into the night. Or rather, someone. Frisk crept through the maze of tents, searching for a sign of the skelebrothers. Each tent had a sign hanging above the 'doorway' that read the names of whoever was staying in the tent. She turned to her right to read the next sign. It read Sans the Skeleton and The Great Papyrus. The tent that the sign hung from was lit up inside with a warm, candlelight. She smiled, carefully unzipping the flaps to the tent. Crouching down, she crawled into the tent and looked around. A small oil lamp sat atop a small wooden box illuminated the tent and the things and people it held inside. Papyrus was missing, his bed was still neatly made and tucked, but Sans was fast asleep in his own bed under a pile of blankets. Frisk crawled over to his side, beginning to shake him slightly.

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