|| lost bonds ||

23 1 4

    "Frisk, you ready yet?" Sans called from the front door, his hand waiting impatiently on the doorknob while the other filled his pocket.

    "Yeah, I'm coming!" Frisk called back, grabbing the present she had wrapped the night before as she ran out the bedroom door. Barreling out of the hallway into the living room, Frisk saw Sans waiting patiently for her by the door. She gave him an apologetic smile, falling onto the couch and pulling her shoes on. After she finished tying her black Converse high-tops, she scurried over to Sans and handed the gift over him so she could slip into her big, yellow, coat. She zipped up her coat and looked up into Sans' eyesockets with sincerity as he handed it back to her. Her eyes flickered as she gazed into Sans.

    "You okay?" Sans asked, studying her face. Frisk gazed past him, lost in her own thoughts. "Frisk?" Frisk snapped out of her trance, looking up at him with a thin smile.

"Yeah, yeah, just uh, I'm just a little nervous, that's all." Frisk sputtered. Sans nodded knowingly, caressing her cheek and kissing her forehead.

    "You're gonna be fine," Sans muttered, draping his arm around her and walking her out the door. He quickly shortcutted to the address written on the slip of paper he was given by Tensom. They landed in front of a small, light blue, two-story, house that stood brightly against the white snow. A garland made of pine tree boughs was loosely hung from the porch railings along with some lights hanging from the gutters had made the house look more enticing and welcoming.

    "Heh, is this your house?" Sans asked, a smile grin of awe across his face. Frisk looked steadily at the home, her lips pursed and her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

    "No, no it isn't. Not a chance." She murmured, starting to walk up the sidewalk to the front door. Sans, a bit shaken by her sarcasm, followed her shyly up onto the doorstep. Frisk rang the doorbell, sighing anxiously. The two waited in silence, listening for any movement inside. Soon, they could hear footsteps hurriedly approaching the door. The door opened, revealing a stout, curvy, lady wearing a forest green sweater with some darker jeans. Her chocolate brown hair was slightly frizzy and wavy and gently curled at the ends inwards. She had some of it pulled back away from her round, smiling, face into a loose bun at the back of her head.

    "Oh, welcome! You must be Sans and Frisk! Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you, your family has just been dying to meet you, Frisk." The lady smiled widely, looking over Frisk.

    "Really? That's, that's great. I can't wait to see them either." Frisk smiled back genuinely.

    "Ack, come in, come in, it's so cold out there!" The woman wrapped one arm around her wider waist and motioned with her other arm for them to step inside. The two stepped in, shivering and began to take their coats and shoes off. The lady took Frisk's gift into her hands and held it while she finished taking off her coat.

    "Thank you," Frisk grinned.

    "Of course, I'm Bethany by the way, but you may just call me Beth." Beth chuckled. Frisk stuck her hand out and introduced herself and Sans.

    "I-I'm Frisk, and this is my adopted father, Sans, but of course, you already knew that. Oh-!" Beth pulled Frisk into a hug, chuckling.

    "Oh, you're such a sweetheart! Of course, I already knew that!" Sans laughed softly in the background as he watched Frisk getting smothered. Frisk caught his eye with hers and shot him a look that only said 'whaddaya gonna do?'. Sans shrugged in response. The woman finally let go of Frisk and turned to Sans, sticking out her hand at him. He took it humbly and shook it while grinning up at her.

    "You're such a sweetheart too, aw, look at your little smiling face!" Beth exclaimed, cupping her hands around Sans' cheekbones. Sans giggled in return along with Beth. "Come, come, now, let's go see your family!" Beth beamed, walking into the living room. Sans gestured for Frisk to follow, to which she laughed at and followed Beth. Sans trailed behind Frisk, only a step behind her as they entered the cozy little living room. After Beth stepped out of the way for Frisk to see, Sans stepped out from behind Frisk as well, silently introducing himself. He looked from Frisk's face to the rest of the faces staring up at him and Frisk. He observed a tired, lanky, man that sat uncomfortably in a big, plush, recliner that made him look even smaller. He had dark, dark, hair, almost black, that was slicked back along with a finely combed mustache and goatee. He wore a dirtied white tank top under a half-faded royal blue unzipped hoodie and some ripped jeans, and he gripped the arms of the chair whenever he made eye-contact with Sans.

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