Interlude Four

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    As Sans carried Frisk into his tent, he lay her down on Papyrus's bed knowing that he wouldn't be returning til morning. She opened her eyes, gazing and smiling up at Sans. Sans stood up straight, smiling back down at her.

    "Hey wait," Frisk asked, sitting up onto her legs. She grabbed Sans' arm and gently pulled him over to the side of her and patted the spot next to her. Sans sat down next to her, seemingly happy to be relieved from standing. He looked over to her with an expecting look on his face and began to turn his body towards her. Frisk was smiling widely and felt her stomach twisting and turning.

     "I was gonna ask you something before, but we moved on from the topic before I could say anything. Okay, I actually wanted to talk to you about something, but still. Anyway, what I wanted to talk to you about was just how great of a friend you are. I mean, even though you were so ashamed of what you'd done, you wanted to make up for it and apologize to me, and that means a lot to me. You try to be there for me and try to protect me and you take the time to understand me. I just, I..." Tears began to glaze over Frisk's eyes and pile up on her bottom eyelids.

    "I just can't express to you strongly enough as to how much that means to me, so I wanted to tell you that I've just been thinking of you as a father figure to me more and more. You wake a familiar feeling up in me, something that I've been missing my whole life and I didn't even realize it. And I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you." Frisk said, tears falling from her eyes. Sans swiftly pulled Frisk into a hug with one quick sweeping motion, pushing his head into the crook of Frisk's neck. Frisk gripped his shirt, burying her face into his shoulder. Sans smiled widely, giving Frisk a quick squeeze.

    "Kid, I, I honestly had no idea that's how you saw me. Wow, I just, wow. Tibia honest, I was beginning to think I was being a little too intrusive to ya, acting so nurturing and all. I mean, I was thinking that you might think I was trying to replace your father or something, which I'm not! I just, I, uh," Frisk giggled, watching Sans strain for the right words to speak.

    "It's okay, I get it. I've had this same speech spoken to me over and over again. Look, all that matters is if you feel the same way and feel comfortable enough to accept me as your adopted daughter. Um, do you?" Frisk asked, resting her hand on Sans' hand.

    "Of course I feel the same way, I've somehow grown to love you as much as I love Papyrus, and god do I love him. He's one of the most important people in my life. The whole reason why I didn't say anything sooner was that I didn't wanna chase you away. I guess it's a bit of a mystery as to how much I care about you to others who know me, considering I don't let a lot of people into my heart like this. But to me, it's really no mystery, I love you and that's it. You've given me more than enough reasons to love you and care for you as a father would. I mean, the whole 'fathering' deal is a completely new concept to me, I never planned on it, much less even considered it. Although, I am willing to learn if you'll teach me?" Sans finished, holding Frisk's small hands in his. Frisk nodded quickly, feeling her heart flutter. Sans chuckled, gathering her face in his skeletal hands and thumbing her cheeks. Sans pressed his teeth to her forehead, planting a skeleton-kiss on it.

    "I love you, Papabones."

    "I love you too, Babybones."

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