Chapter 3 Pages 41-61

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Chapter 3

Sans's magic was tense and it festered around the space between Frisk, Sans, and Tensom. As his blue attack suffocated Mr. Tensom, a fully grown, adult, male human, Sans glared at him without any signs of mercy in his dark, empty, eyes. "Tell your 'council' that we'll stay in this forest if that's what it takes to be free." Sans countered. "But they can't have Frisk." The skeleton ordered, trying to intimidate Tensom into leaving he and his friends and family alone. Frisk grasped onto Sans's hoodie in a panic, trying to get his attention. "Huh?" Sans asked, his scowl weakening towards her presence. "Have 'Mercy'!" The small child called. Sans looked down at Frisk for a few seconds, deciding, before, reluctantly, closing his fingers around his magic and freeing the man from his invisible grasp.

Sans closed his eye sockets and let out a sigh as Frisk rested her small hands on his right arm. He shifted his position over to his right before finishing with "Got it?" in a menacing tone. Mr. Tensom, still held his hands over his chest. "U-Understood." Tensom rasped. "Good call." Sans said as the glowing cyan color of Tensom's chest faded away. His face straightened up into a more solemn look. "Very well. If that is how it is going to be." Sans and Frisk both looked over to him, still standing close together. Sans still wore the ugly glare towards Tensom that was a complete contrast to his typical grin. "I have delivered my message, and it is no matter to me what decision you monsters make." The man said, tugging at the bottom his coat to straighten it out. "You haven't heard the end of this. I'll be back to tell you the Council's conclusion regarding you and your, people." he said, pausing before "people". "And I doubt you will be pleased with their answer. I bid you a good night." Mr. Tensom concluded, straining to keep whatever dignity he held high as he turned and walked away from the group of monsters, leaving the light to vanish into the darkness.

They stood in silence for a couple heartbeats before Sans broke the silence. "Welp, that went well." He said sarcastically. "SANS! YOU LITTLE- um!" Undyne growled, turning towards Papyrus who looked at Undyne with a concerned look. "WHAT. I mean, what is it Pap?" Undyne questioned, trying to keep her cool. "Er," Papyrus paused, his hand rubbing his neck vertebrae nervously. "Well, I, The Great Papyrus, should go get the human child something to eat. I-I'll go get Frisk some dinner." he suggested, trying to ignore the intensity of the situation. "That's a good idea, bro." Sans reassured Papyrus. "Come along, human, our friend, Alphys has probably got something warm cooking over the fire, just for you!" Papyrus exclaimed, trying to ease the tension off of them as he took Frisk's hand in his and walked away towards where Alphys was. Frisk turned back around to look at Sans, motioning towards Papyrus and herself, asking if he was coming. "S'alright kiddo, I catch up with you in a minute." Sans coaxed, giving her a thumbs up and winking. Satisfied, Papyrus and Frisk walked away; Sans looked over at them longingly. "In a minute." he muttered, sighing.

Noticing the emerging shadow of a hand towering over him, he realized the hand belonged to Undyne. "Undyne, wait!" Sans pleaded. Undyne grabbed Sans's hoodie, jerking him closer to her face. "ARE YOU INSANE!? ARE YOU TRYING TO START ANOTHER WAR!?" Undyne bellowed into Sans's face, gripping his hoodie tightly. Sans sunk into his hoodie, shrinking away from the enraged fish. "What was I supposed to do Undyne, let him take the kid?" Sans asked, looking her square in the eye. As Sans grabbed her wrist with his right hand, Undyne stopped to think for a moment as her face softened. Looking down at Sans, Undyne gently put him down. Letting go of his hoodie, Undyne let her anger slip from her silently. "No." She finally responded.

"Please, do not fight between yourselves. For if we do not stand together, then we will surely fall. The strain of the situation is getting to each one of us. Things may not be as bleak as they appear." Asgore said, placing a hand on Undyne's right shoulder. She looked down at the ground, frowning. "And no one is questioning your actions, Sans. But I am afraid Undyne is right in that the humans will not be pleased in our lack of cooperation." Asgore finished, looking down at the ground as well, frowning. "Then let them be. I will not lose another child, Asgore." Toriel retorted, tears filling her eyes. "O-Of course not. All I am saying is that, this could turn out very badly." Asgore said, looking over at Toriel out of the corner of his tired, fatigued, eyes.

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