Chapter 17

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    "Where is the girl!? She must be around here somewhere, where else could she have gone? I suggest you stop hiding her and surrender her over to Ebbott City's care again right now or else there will be dire consequences!" Sans jolted awake, shooting up from his relaxed laying position to look for Frisk. She wasn't in Papyrus's bed, not anywhere in the tent either, where was she!? Sans thought, starting to succumb to the fear and panic.

   "Kid!? Frisk!? Frisk, where are you!?" Sans hissed, his chest and eye starting to glow.

   "Mmmhh, Sans? I'm right here..." Frisk grumbled, rubbing her eyes. Sans jumped and whipped his head around to his left to see Frisk had been lying with him the whole time. Sans heaved a humongous sigh, situating his hand on his chest and gripping his shirt.

   "Ugh, dammit, kid, I thought I'd lost you." Frisk sat up slowly, still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

   "What? What are you talking about? And why are you so freaked out? Is something wrong?" Frisk looked to Sans uneasily. Sans' scowl cringed into a grimace, he tapped his fingers rapidly on his mattress.

   Tensom angrily looked around the camp at all the tents; he noticed they all had little, handmade, wooden, signs hanging from them. He read the writing engraved on the signs and began to assume they had all of the names of the monsters that were staying inside of the tents. Suddenly, his eyes crossed over a little sign that read, "Sans the Skeleton and The Great Papyrus" and a smile spread across his lips. He looked back at the police and signaled for two of them to follow him as he stalked over to the tent. On a silent count of three, he ripped open the flaps of the tent, revealing that meddling skeleton and that little delinquent of a girl.

   "No!" Some female monster cried in the background as he stood proudly in the doorway of the tent. Frisk gasped, clinging to Sans immediately. Tensom laughed at this. The skeleton wore one of his most ugly scowls, one that he reserved especially for moments like these.

   "Hmm. Well, well, well, look what we have here. It's not a wonder that you ran away back to your little pack of monsters, fortunately, I assumed you wouldn't last a week there in that orphanage, but my dear Frisk, you continue to surprise me and the Council." The man chuckled, ducking his head and stepping in a little closer. Sans took a defensive persona and puffed out his chest and pushed Frisk behind him, lowing at Tensom as a warning. Tensom ignored his warning and continued to approach the two. He kneeled down finally at the side of Sans' bed, placing his hands on his thighs.

   "Listen, er, Sans, was it? Right, Sans, um, I just wanted to come here and peacefully take Frisk to the orphanage without a whisper being spread. That's right, the Council has no idea that Frisk is currently 'missing', it was my idea to keep it quiet so negotiating would be easier with you. Now, you have to understand that if the Council were to find out that she was here, you all could be punished by death. So if I were you, I think I'd want to keep my life intact and hand over the child, hmm?" Sans' scowl eased slightly but didn't leave his face. He was going to stand his ground and continue to protect Frisk no matter the consequences.

   "If you really think that I'm gonna let you take her back to that damned orphanage away from us again, you thought wrong." Sans snarled, wrinkling up his nose. Tensom shook his head sarcastically.

    "You really don't have any idea about who you're fooling around with, huh?" Tensom said in a low voice. Tensom slowly felt for his dart gun to paralyze Sans again and found it tucked within his belt loop. He curled his fingers around the handle and laced his index finger in the trigger loop, pulling it out gently. He kept his glare focused on Sans, locking him in and Sans certainly wasn't about pull away, in case anything happened. But something in his magic tinged, a pulse, he could sense two of them, Frisk, and Tensom. I haven't been able to sense a pulse in years, he thought, trying to push the thought down. But the thought wouldn't stay down, it pushed its way up and out through the little sweat droplets on his forehead. One of the pulses, which was stronger and louder, picked up its pace, Sans quickly depicted which one it was, but he was too late to act. Tensom shoved the dart gun into his sternum, leaning in close to Sans' face. Sans wheezed, trying to pull away. Frisk felt his retreat and poked her head out from behind him over his shoulder. She saw the dart gun being pressed into him and quickly panicked.

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