Chapter 11

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        The rain pelted against Papyrus and Undyne's faces as they ran across the clearing to the mountain. Where is he going? And why? Undyne thought. Papyrus was tearing through the clearing like it was nothing with such speed and determination, Undyne was barely keeping up with the skeleton. They soon reached the foot of the mountain, where they stopped. "P- huff Papyrus, look, you gotta slow down, okay? We gotta think this th- HEY! Where are you going? I am trying to talk to you!" Papyrus had started to climb up the side of the mountain. "Papyrus, stop." Papyrus paused, hanging in place. Undyne sighed, putting her hands on her hips and scanning the area around them. She saw something moving in the distance where they had ran from. It was a car, multiple cars, and there were humans, many humans, groups, no an army, of humans. What in the world was going over there? Where were Toriel and Asgore? Were they safe? Why w- "Undyne..." "Huh? Oh, uh, what's up Paps?" Undyne spun around to face Papyrus, who was standing on the ground now and had tears welled up in his eyesockets and streaming down his face. "Oh, are you okay, Papyr-" "Do you think Sans and Frisk are alright?" Papyrus blurted out. "Oh, Paps, I, I dunno. I sure hope they are. But I mean... maybe they ran away from it or took cover and they're safe." "We have to go and get them, we have to make sure they are alright." Undyne's phone started to ring.         

        As she pulled it out of her pocket, she read the text she had received. "Undyne, please, come back here immediately! We might be in danger, we do not know yet. The humans have come with their armies, and have quarantined us. Please come quick!" "What is it?" Papyrus slid down and walked over to Undyne's side to look at the text. "It's from Toriel, sounds like they're in trouble." "Oh my, the, the humans, they've betrayed us..." Papyrus held a horrified look on his face, covering his jaw with his hand. "Uh, Pap, I don't think they were ever fighting for us. Look, I suggest we go back to the others and help them. We can't help Sans and Frisk at the moment, but we can help Toriel and the others. Let's just hope for the best, and hope that they're okay, okay?" Papyrus nodded slowly. "Okay. Let's go save our friends." Undyne gave him a quick nod with a stern face. Papyrus returned the nod; they quickly spun around and took off again towards the rest of the monsters, running against the rain.

        "Please, do not hurt our people! We wish to not harm you or cause any problems. Please, Mr. Tensom!" Toriel cried. She waved her arms trying to get Tensom's attention. Tensom obviously ignored her as he talked with his fellow commanders. Asgore rolled his eyes and took a stance towards him. "Mr. Tensom!" Asgore bellowed, wrinkling his snout. Tensom froze, slowly turning around with a disgusted look on his face. He reluctantly trudged over to meet Asgore and Toriel who were held back by the Ebbot City Police Force. Pulling her head up over the shields, Toriel tried to reason with Mr. Tensom. "Mr. Tensom, please, what is the meaning of this? Have we done something wrong?" Her deep, kind, and warm eyes watered as she stared deep into Tensom. The man stared back blankly, showing no signs of empathy.

        He sighed."Ms. Toriel, it's not your fault specifically, but we are after the child and that skeleton. However, I will not press charges against him because I find it would be pointless since it seems he has already learned his lesson." "But they did nothing wrong, right?" "They refused to let me take Frisk to where she belongs when I was specifically ordered by the Council to take her there. I can't allow her to be running around in the wild with dangerous monsters that could destroy us. Especially when she is only eight years old." Tensom scowled, turned on his heel and marched away, stepping over puddles and brushing his jacket off like the monsters emitted a dangerous flu. Tensom leant over and said something into a rough looking man's ear; the man looked back straight into Toriel's eyes, glaring at her. "What are we to do? We can't go after Frisk and Sans or reason with the humans to let us go, so what do we do?" Toriel turned to Asgore, tears welled up in her warm eyes that pleaded for help. Asgore looked into her eyes, his face softening. The king of monsters looked back to Tensom, scowling. He would not have this slip past him; no more Mr. Nice Guy. "Grrr... call Undyne again. Tell her to turn around and look for Sans and Frisk. Tell Papyrus to go with her. We are going to get to them before those humans do." Asgore ordered in a gruff voice. Toriel didn't flinch, but nodded and slowly took out her phone.

        As they crept up the side of the hill, Undyne and Papyrus could see that the monsters were quarantined by the humans and their law enforcement. Tch, well if they think they can contain us, they've got another thing coming. Undyne smirked. The fish lady looked over to the skeleton that lie beside her on his stomach. His face was contorted into a worried, pleading grimace. Undyne's face softened towards him; she looked back up towards the humans, seeing Tensom; her face hardened again. Scrunching up her nose, Undyne rose and walked towards Tensom, rage fueling her every step. "Undyne, wait! What are you doing!? Come back!" Papyrus whisper-screamed. Undyne didn't hear Papyrus, not intentionally anyways. She was lost in her thoughts. Papyrus quickly crawled over to Undyne's legs, hoping that he could maybe stop her in time. But it was too late. RING! RING! Undyne's phone sang out, loud and clear for everyone to hear. Even Toriel heard her phone ringing, and to her horror, she gingerly moved her phone away from her long ear. Undyne froze. Then, all at once, as it seemed, every human surrounding the area, turned around to glare at Undyne with their beady eyes.

        She smiled awkwardly, taking a cautious step backwards. Everything was quiet and still for a couple heartbeats. "Get them!" Tensom shouted, shattering the wall of silence. Swiftly, two E.C.P.F. men rushed towards Undyne, grabbing her arms and grabbing Papyrus's arms. "Arrrghhh! Get. Off of me!" Undyne snarled, trying to break free of their grasp. She felt something stab her in the spine, sending shooting pains up and down her spine. In her hands, she attempted to summon her trusty spears, but her access was denied by the E.C.P.F. "No, NO! Dammit!" One of the men had injected her with a numbing substance in her back which prevented her from using her magic. Soon, her movements became slower, and her breathing slowed as well. Weakly, she fell to the ground, groaning. "Captain? Captain! Undyne!" Papyrus screamed. In a panic, the skeleton began to struggle as well, his right eye flashing a warning orange as he was filled with anger. But he too, was injected with the same dosage of the same substance. "Nnnn... no... no, wait.... I....Sans, Frisk....I'" The skeleton fell to the ground next to his captain. All hope, was lost for the monsters of Mt. Ebbot. They all, felt it sink in. "Now, to command Phase Two." Tensom announced. "It will be over before you know it." The man smirked, sashaying away with his group of commanders trotting behind him.

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