Part Two---Interlude

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(A/N)-- So this is just a transfer from one part of the story to the next. It's just a basic summary of the previous part. I'll do this about every 4-5 chapters or so. It's not particularly important, so you don't have to read it. But you still can. :)


As the feeling of something notorious and rather evil, made Sans's skin crawl -the skin he didn't have- he felt the weight of guilt piling up onto his ribcage. Nevertheless, he still felt the eerie sensation. Or rather sanssation? Along the rhythm of the night, the humans had proven themselves to be too good for monsters, using their children's nightmares and stories as a pitiful excuse. While Frisk, had proven herself to be worthy of Sans's protection and honesty. Sans had also proven himself worthy of every monster's respect that night too by devising a plan, that while it still had it's risks, was completable and easy to follow. But even the best of nights, have their flaws. Meanwhile, the tension rose about the 'surface sickness' that had unexpectedly popped up within this timeline. The sickness greatly affecting Sans, unfortunately. His magic, diminishing by the second, still kept him alive though. Alive enough to be able to talk to Frisk about some unsaid things that needed to be said after both his brother and Alphys had left them alone. The glow of the fire revealing some secrets that were long kept hostage by the truth. All of the drama had made Sans weary and tired, making him want to lie down and sleep. But being an insomniac, he was left lying under the covers of what was left of his bed, awake. The morning would soon come, lighting the way for the monster's great escape towards freedom.

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