In His Eyes

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The Last Five Standing's Final Entry. (HORROR GENRE)


In His Eyes

by superjelly


            What am I doing with a depressed, cynical, heinous psychopath who takes pleasure in killing?

            I was there when he stabbed the Bishop of Basingstoke to death using a swordstick with a heavy pewter knob. He threw insults to the Bishop as he jabbed every part of his body and laughed maniacally when the Bishop's blood splattered all over his face. Then, as if he wasn't contented severing the body, he fished his favorite lighter from his pocket, stepped on the Bishop's scattered brain and called him an imbecile before gleefully setting the Bishop's body aflame.

            I was there when he hunted down the people who rejected his proposal. I was there when he shoots General Glossop in the head, when he hit Sir Proops with a metal stick and beheaded him after, when he slit Lady Beaconsfield's throat and sliced her breasts off only to feed it to the dogs out the street, and when he cut Lord Savage's body into half using a chainsaw. I saw it all. I saw how they begged for their lives, but he didn't listen to them. I saw how he smiled while doing all the killings. He hasn't even had second thoughts or fear. He was unrestrainable. Often times I would keep silent and watch him in terror as he perform his horrendous acts. When I can no longer bear it anymore, I would close my eyes and pretend that I'm in a different place with him.

            Sometimes I feel scared seeing all those things, but whenever he would walk up to me and have me in his arms, I am reminded of the man I am in love with despite seeing the blood all over his clothes. I would lead him to the paradise where I can double the euphoric sensations compared to how the murders made him feel.

            I was enamored by this madman. His ferociousness was addicting that I was undeterred by his lunacy.

            "I love you, Lucy." He would say after we make love to each other. He would say it with such candor that it would make me forget about his atrocity and will be replaced by an immaculate image of that man who truly loves me. He then closed his eyes, succumbing himself to a peaceful slumber.

            I smiled at him happily. "I love you too, Henry Jekyll."


            It was that fateful night when I first met Doctor Henry Jekyll.

            "Guten Abend, welcome to The Red Rat! Yes, what would you like to order?" I heard Fräulein Guinevere's voice, echoing around the whole place.

            It was like any other night. I was seated in the wooden chair in the corner, contemplating about my life. I've always wanted to run away, but I can't. I am stuck in this hell no matter how many times I tried to escape.

            "Lucy," I heard Fräulein Guinevere's voice calling me. I immediately stood up and faced her. She looked at me and held me in my shoulders. "It seems like you're all set. Viel Glück!"

            I heaved a sigh. Another sinful night begins.

            I walked onto the stage and all eyes are glued on me. I felt their gaze filled with lust as my body swayed to the music. They were all staring at my body, and no one was listening to my song. No one could hear my cry in agony and no one could hear how I plead for my life, expressing it through the lyrics of my song. No one. For those men were only after my body, but not my soul and my heart. Of course they were. They were here for that matter. I was a prostitute and that was my objective: to please men with my body, but they won't be able to make me happy.

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