Till The End|Chapter 2

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~The Bloody Nights~

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~The Bloody Nights~


I was walking down the side roads, it was near the outer parts of the city.

Yes I lied to the boy when I said my place was 3 blocks away from where he was, I didn't want anybody finding my area. Nobody came this way because they believed it wasn't safe and they were right. This part of the city near the woods was dangerous, and filled with Zombies not under the control of Royalty.

Yet none of them ever noticed me, I didn't have a smell or a heart beat so to them I was technically dead. Yet zombies are lacking smarts, so if they see you it's normal for them to attack even if you're undead.

I walked down the pathway, and through a small opening I made to keep this place extra hidden. It was this old dance studio, it had an apartment above it very secluded and empty whoever lived her had it good. Yet it was over protected, when I got here the bedroom windows had bars.

It didn't even look like an apartment but a place to keep somebody from getting out, bolt lock doors from the outside and inside. Camera's, locked doors for bedrooms and more it was like living the dream until I found a dead girl in what I assumed to be the guest bedroom.

I had lived here since I was 16, nobody found this place. I had lied to many groups or people that I had rescued because I was territorial of my safety area. I got agitated if anyone got too close, and I felt angry and rage when somebody touched anything that I didn't offer to them. I couldn't understand the feeling, I was definitely not like that when I was human. I wasn't sure if it was a vampire thing or the Zombie blood in my system making me this way.

I sighed, I made my way inside and bolted the door from the inside. I pulled out my gun and did my rounds of the house looking for any intruders or things misplaced and was immediately relaxed when I found everything exactly how I left it. I placed the blood bags in the specialty freezer I managed to steel from a blood bank, I was incredible strong so I just carried it here.

I hummed to myself, it was a habit. Something that came with the last bit of humanity that hummed through my system. I was pouring myself a glass of blood, then I was going to work out and keep myself from getting tense. I noticed over the years that having Zombie blood in my system made my body stiff and slow which came with zombie territory but being a vampire made me strong and quick so it was about working my muscles a certain way and staying active that really helped me push my abilities.

You needed everything you could get.

I sighed, if you haven't already realized I was a dancer before the apocalypse happened. I was about to turn 16, and I was so close to going to a national dance competition that the excitement wore through my bones. Yet this happened, I lost my family and everyone I ever knew had died or been transformed.

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