Till The End| Chapter 10

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~The Hollow Point Nightmare~

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~The Hollow Point Nightmare~


We followed Lady Lee, the look on her face was murderous. I saw buff looking scavengers infront of us, a big black door between them.

"Is he secure?" Lady Lee asked, the scavengers nodded.

"He's insane Lady Lee, something isn't right with this guy." One of them said, the other nodded.

"He was laughing, and screaming every few seconds while talking to himself." The other replied, I wondered why.

"He deserves punishment regardless, and then he will be restrained." Lady Lee said, they both flinched.

"He's so young." The one guy said, I saw Lady Lee touch his shoulder in reassurance.

"I feel your pain Tom, but this boy is far too dangerous to let walk around he must be put in the restraint dungeon to keep others safe." Lady Lee said, Tom nodded.

"What happened to my boy, he was such a good kid." Tom said, his eyes looking back at the door.

"Sometimes they fall, he wasn't strong enough to handle the world." Lady Lee replied, Tom sighed and opened the door for her.

I didn't spare a glance to the Tom guy knowing that the boy was his son. We we're currently in a room, with a glass window much like the did at police stations. I looked and saw the small tall cage they had him in, you could see his eyes staring outward but that was all you see of him.

"This is not going to be pretty you, but you must understand." Lady Lee said, looking at me.

Ivana had already witnessed this, I noticed her tense stance and I kept my mind free. The humanity in me was lacking, would it cry at the site of what I would see or would it not even faze me because of all the shit I've seen in my life.

"Alright." I said, I kept my eyes sternly at the 16 year old boy who laughed like a maniac.

"Ralf why are you here?" Lady Lee said, her eyes white as snow.

"Out! Out of my head!" Ralf screamed, he began hitting the box.

"What did you do!?" She asked him, he was screaming and telling her to get out.

"No! No! No!" He screamed, there was blood dripping down his head.

"You left them! You stabbed pour Julie." Lady Lee said, Ralf was flipping begging to be let out of his confindment.

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