Till The End|Chapter 7

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"Like what the fuck Tod!" Screamed Ivana, she had been lecturing him for the past 25 minutes since I was taken to the nursing courters.

"It's an instinct!" He screamed back, I but my tongue to ignore the growl.

"Don't you THINK that if she was a target everyone would've shot her already!?" She returned, he rolled his eyes.

"They are all lazy!" He scoffed, was she really dating this egotistical douchebag?

"Really? So Lady Lee is lazy." Ivana said, which caused his eyes to widen.

"Of course not!" He yelled, she glared at him.

"Really!? You said they were lazy yet Lady Lee welcomed her with open arms." She said, Ivana looked like an adorable ripe tomato.

"Well I'm sorry!" He said, but it sounded like sarcasm.

"I'm done with you! Why did I even agree to this relationship!?" She groaned, glaring at him while he rolled his eyes.

"For my dick obviously." He replied, I lost my patience and pinned him against the wall.

"Don't talk to her like that." I growled, I was loosing control and I didn't understand it.

"Let me go you vampire trash." The guy spat in my face, it angered me even more.

"Do you think I wanted to be this asshole? My parents were killed by zombies, my mother smothered my brother and died before she could kill me! I should've died with my parents but instead I'm a walking monster." I growled, I wasn't hurting him in any sense.

"HANDS IN THE AIR!" screamed people behind me, but I was too angry.

He called me scum, and then when he basically called her a whore I couldn't contain myself.  I felt out of control, I was never this possessive of somebody.  I wanted him to pay, I wanted him to say sorry for what he said to her.  The monster inside me wanted to tear him to shreds, I growled.

"PUT HIM DOWN NOW OR WE WILL SHOOT." Somebody yelled, my mind was fuzzy.

"No if you shoot we will all die!" Ivana screamed, but I couldn't comprehend anything anymore.

"Lower your guns." I heard Lady Lee in the background, instantly guns were lowered with the click of safety.

"What's wrong with her?" Asked Ivana, her voice shaking in fear.  I didn't like that, she shouldn't be afraid of me.

"Don't be afraid Ivana dear, she's protecting you." Lady Lee said, I heard Ivana gasp a little.

"Why!?" She asked, I wanted to know why also.

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