Till The End|Chapter 13

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I couldn't believe it, I wasn't ready for this at all. I looked at her face, I noticed how she looked so much weaker than when she left for our mission.

I was so blinded by jealous I didn't even see that my own mate was sick, I didn't notice the change and if we would've been caught she could've died without even being able to protect herself.

I sighed, I had just left Ivana at the nurses facility since she was extremely weak and they knew how to help her but they only gave her a 50/50 chance at turning into a vampire or turning into a zombie and every bone in my body begged for her not to die on me.

"Uh, Kennedy?" I turned and saw Vex, my anger flared.

"What!?" I growled slightly, she backed away from me.

"I am still sorry, I really wouldn't have done that if I would have known." She replied, she looked so sincere I felt my vampire side calm.

"Sigh, I know its just still fresh you know?" I said, she nodded and sighed.

"So Ivana is going through the change?" Vex asked, I nodded feeling worried.

"Yes, it's 50/50 chance." I said feeling stressed, there was nothing I could do but wait.

"I know, you should start talking to the other vampires here they understand way more than you think." Vex said, I shrugged because I was use to being alone.

"I'm not like them, how could they understand?" I asked her she shrugged.

"Cause a few of them went though the change that Ivana did, and others expirenced the pain of having to kill their loved one as a zombie." Vex said as we started walking towards the cafeteria, I hadn't been here since my outburst against the fake teen.

"So you want me to prepare for both, by hearing the good and the bad?" She laughed, and walked away.

"Hey." I looked over and made a face, there stood Nikolas.

"What?" I said, he rolled his eyes.

"Are you really going to act like that? We slept together, big whoop." He muttered, I rolled my eyes.

"That is no where close to what I'm pissed off about." I replied, shuddering at the memory of sleeping with him.

"Than what did I do?" He hissed, I began to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

Till The End (ON HOLD)|18+Where stories live. Discover now